Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I looked up at my new school; Waterlake High School in New York City. I was in my sophomore year. I just moved from Chicago last week. My mom got a promotion, and we moved just like that. Sometimes I think she loves her job more than me. She has tried to spend time with me since my dad died, but it's hard for her, just like it is for me. I checked my schedule one more time and walked into my new school.

I found my locker and put my combination in. I shoved my things in it and went to my first class. I barely paid attention to the other kids. I learned quickly, that if they wanted me as a friend, they would come to me first. I walked into my math class, and of course, the teacher had to introduce me.

"Class, I believe we have a new student."

The teacher with the round belly said. "Tell us your name and where you are from."

"I'm Paige Mason, and I moved from Chicago." I said in a casual tone.

"Very interesting. Now, since we are half way through the year, you may sit behind Elliot. Elliot stand up, so Miss Mason can find her way." The teacher, Mr. Millar said.

I looked up to see a boy with dark, shaggy hair, and piercing blue eyes that looked like ice. He was tall and had an athletic build. He was cute. He looked into my eyes and said nothing. I walked over to my desk and set my books down.

The teacher started putting problems on the board, and we had to solve them for homework. I finished mine in like ten minutes. I was the first one done. After a few minutes, I noticed that Elliot had also finished. Normally, I wouldn't be the one to start a conversation, but by looking at Elliot, I figured out that he wouldn't either.

"Hey." I said casually.

"Hey." He said not caring at all.

I didn't even bother to try and carry the conversation on. I put in my earphones and turned my music player on. Apparently after you finish your homework, you can use your electronics, which was awesome. I turned it up and played a song from a boy-band in the UK. I know it doesn't seem like the kind of stuff I would be into, but I have my reasons for listening; it also doesn't hurt that they are all hot. I was listening to one of their songs when Elliot turned around.

"Doesn't really suit you." He said while glancing at my music.

I pulled it out of his view. "You don't know anything about me." I hissed.

"No, but I can tell something about your personality by just looking at you. So why this music?" he asked.

"What about my personality?" avoiding his initial question.

"You never answered my question, why should I answer yours?" he replied with a smirk.

"Fine. I like listening to them, one cause I like their music, two they're hot, and three 'cause it reminds me of happier times." I said not looking at his face.

"Oh. You don't have to tell me." He said.

"Thanks. Now you have to answer my question." I said copying his same smirk.

"Just that you are a girl that doesn't take shit from anyone, you like your space, and obviously something made you that way." He said nonchalantly.

"And you got that by just looking at me?" I asked shocked.

He nodded.

"Damn, you're smart." I said quietly.

"I just have an eye for details." He said smugly, and I started laughing, soon followed by Elliot.

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