Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

I woke up on Wednesday to pouring rain. We had four days left in paradise, and of course a storm would hit. I had my earphones in, and I was reading when Elliot finally sat next to me.

I looked at him, but he wasn’t looking at me. I could feel my heart breaking, but I knew that it was my fault. I was pushing him away, and I knew it. I was doing it for my own selfish reasons. I knew that I was going to tell him no matter what happened, but only when we got back to New York.

On Thursday, the rain had gone away, and I was dying to go into the water. My mom still told me that I couldn’t go surfing, but that I could swim. I woke up extra early and I made my way to the water in a red bikini.

I looked at the waves crashing down on the beach, and I took off running. I ran into the waves and started swimming. The beach had very few people there, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to swim.

I started to float over the waves. It felt nice just to be able to relax. I heard people start to vacate the beach, and my peace and serenity were broken. I sighed and climbed out of the water. I saw that Alex and Elliot were already out. I walked on the shoreline.

I scanned the shore for seashells. I didn’t pick them up, I just studied them. There were tons of them, and each one had their own specific shade. They were beautiful. I studied the shells awhile longer, and then I walked towards the boys.

“Hey guys.” I said to them as I sat down.

“Hey.” They both said.

We stayed at the beach all day, and then we went back to the hotel. I was exhausted from the sun, and I went to bed early; I didn’t care if it was New Year’s Eve or not. I had another nightmare.

I was alone in Elliot’s house. Neither Carol nor Elliot was to be found. I was in the kitchen; I guess I was waiting for them to come home. I heard the front door unlock, but it wasn’t Elliot or Carol. It was Joe.

I ran into a bathroom and locked the door. I put a hand over my mouth to muffle my breaths. I heard him walking his house, searching for something. My heart started beating when I realized that it was me he was searching for.

“Come out and show yourself.” The drunken voice slurred.

He came to the door I was hiding behind. He tried the handle, but it was locked. He started ramming the door with his shoulder. I started to feel faint. He was going to break the door down, and then he would get me.

He continued to ram the door, and I winced whenever his shoulder made contact. After some time, the door flew open. I was in the shower, trying to hide. He pulled aside the shower curtain.

“Gotcha.” He smirked as his fist came crashing down.

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