Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Friday. One more day until the big date. Today at practice, Coach May made us run the plays over and over again. It was easy for me, but some of the girls became winded. We finished up practice with free throws. I made mine with ease. I showered and went to class.

The day went by without any drama, and I was relieved. Elliot came over to my house so we could study for a History test that was on Wednesday. The walk to my house was in comfortable silence. I opened my door, and he plopped down on my couch. I walked over to the couch and put my feet on his lap. I grabbed my History book and started to quiz him.

"What were the hardships that immigrants faced when they moved into cities?" I quizzed him.

"Um, no idea." He asked with a smile on his face. "I'm gonna fail, aren't I?"

"Yup, you know none of these questions." I laughed.

"That is why I came over here." He said as he tickled my foot. I pulled it away.

"Don't." I warned. A smile was tugging at the edge of my mouth.

"Why, are you ticklish?" he asked his smile growing wider.

"No." I lied, squirming out of his reach.

"I think you are." He said.

"You think wrong." I said as I bolted from the couch.

I ran into my room and closed the door. He was right on my heels, and he opened the door before I had a chance to lock it. I put my hands up in surrender.

"I give." I said.

"I don't believe you. You always pull that trick on me." He smiled. Damn, he knew me to well.

I ran to my bed. I grabbed a pillow and braced for the attack. He jumped on my bed and pinned me down, but he didn't tickle me. I pulled the pillow from my eyes to see what was stopping him. His lips crashed down on mine.

My arms instinctively wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer. I opened my mouth and deepened the kiss. His lips tasted so soft and warm. I pulled away and kissed along his bruised jaw. This time, he didn't tense. I buried my head in the crook of his neck. I pulled him closer. I didn't want him to leave. I wanted him to stay here with me. I was about to tell him how I really felt when he glanced at my clock.

"Shit, I have to go." He said as he pulled away from me. He hovered over me for a second and gave me one last lingering kiss. He looked at me with a sad look as he walked out the door.

I put at pillow over my head and let out a frustrated scream. This sucks. I hated this. I just wanted to tell him and get this over with. I fell asleep thinking about how I would tell him.

On Saturday, I was dreading waking up. I just wanted to sleep in until my date. I sighed and took a shower. It was already one o'clock. Damn, I really did sleep in. I decided that I would start getting ready at six, so I had five hours to kill. I chose to watch TV.

At six, I started to get ready. It was winter, so I knew I should dress warm. I chose a grey dress with black leggings. I looked in the mirror, and I thought I looked cute. Tony rang the doorbell at seven on the dot.

I looked at him in his jeans and blue button down. He looked good, but not as good as Elliot. Stop thinking about him, I scolded myself.

"Ready?" Tony asked, and I nodded. He took me to a nice restaurant. We small talked, and I found out a lot about him.

Apparently he had already been accepted into college on a football scholarship. He was so proud of it. He also had a little brother. He was really sweet; I don't know why he would have a reputation.

He walked me home. On my front porch, he kissed me, and I kissed him back. It was a quick kiss, and his lips were slightly chapped. I turned to walk away, when he grabbed me and kissed me again.

This kiss wasn't as sweet and gentle as the first one. This one was harsh. He started to rub his hands up and down my body, and I pushed him away.

"Just when I started to feel sorry for you." I hissed as I slammed the door in his face.

I walked up to my room and went to bed.

On Sunday, I didn't even bother to get dressed. I stayed in bed all day and watched TV. Like I said, Sunday is my lazy day.

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