Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

I leaned in to kiss him, when I heard the door downstairs slam open. My eyes went wide, and I stared at Elliot. He didn’t look frightened, but when he looked at me, the fear rose in his eyes.

“Get in the closet.” He said with frightened eyes. I obeyed and ran to the closet. I just got comfortable when Elliot’s door swung open.

“Downstairs, now.” Joe barked. Elliot listened and walked out of his room. Joe smacked him on the back of the head as Elliot stood in the doorway.

I heard them walk down the steps, and I started to get worried. I wanted to go down there and help them, but I knew that I would only cause more problems. I would stay in the closet until Elliot came back upstairs.

I waited in that closet for about an hour before Elliot walked in. He looked ok from what I could see. I waited a minute until I knew that Joe wouldn’t walk in.

“Elliot, are you ok?” I asked as I stepped out of the closet.

“You should go.” He said while not looking at me.

“But-” I started.

“I said leave.” He snapped. I was stunned.

“Fine.” I said calmly as I walked out of his house.

I tried to compute what had just happened. What did I do wrong?

I walked into my room and fell asleep with tears in my eyes.

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