Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Practice awaited me on Tuesday morning. Coach said we did great. I loved Coach May because she was nice, but she knew when to be strict.

“Hey Elliot, can I come over tonight to help you study. I also want to talk to your mom.” I asked Elliot as I walked over to his locker.

“Yeah, ‘bout what though.” He asked.

“Girl stuff. You wouldn’t be interested.” I smiled at him.

“You’re right on that one.” He said as we walked to our first hour class.

I finished the test in Math earlier than usual. I turned on my music and stared out the window until Elliot pulled me out of my daze.

“What ya thinking about?” he asked me from his seat.

“I wasn’t, I was just staring.” I answered. He laughed.

“Weirdo.” He whispered under his breath. I kicked him playfully in the leg.

“I am not weird.” I said while sticking out my tongue. He rolled his eyes.

“Sure you’re not.” He said. He then stared at my cheek. “So it didn’t bruise?”

“No, it did. I covered it with makeup.” I shrugged. I could tell he was getting angry at the memory of yesterday. “Relax, Elliot.”

“I can’t relax knowing that you are hurt.” He said while looking into my green eyes. Wow, déjà vu.

“Looks like the roles are switched.” I said with a smirk.

“I guess so.” He laughed.

“PJ, wait up.” I turned around to see Alex. I took my seat in the cafeteria.

“What?” I asked him as he sat down in front of me.

“Tony got a week’s suspension.” He smiled. “The principal was at your game, and she saw everything.” That was great.

“Wait, what about Elliot?” I asked worried. I mean Elliot had punched him. Alex shook his head.

“Nope, no suspension. Principal Jones said it was outta self-defense.” He responded.

“Good, the dick deserved it.” Elliot said as he sat down in his seat.

At the end of the day, I walked with Elliot to his house. I had my History book in my backpack. We arrived at his house, and I told him I would be upstairs in a second. I walked over to Carol in the kitchen. She was making some kind of batter using the mixer I got her. She had one single bruise on her cheekbone.

“Hi Carol.” I beamed as I hugged her.

“Hey PJ.” She said as she hugged me back. “So what’s up?”

“Well since my mom is on business, and you’re like my second mother, I wanna ask you something.” I told her. She nodded for me to continue. “Well there’s this guy I like, but we are pretty close friends. I mean we have kissed, and sometimes he acts like we are together when we aren’t. It kills me that he doesn’t realize that I just want him to ask me.” I said. She smiled at me. I could tell she knew I was talking about her son, but I knew she wouldn’t tell him.

“You should just tell him. I’m sure he likes you too.” She said while still smiling. I sighed.

“I figured you would say that.” I mumbled. “Thank you.” I said as I hugged her.

“Anytime.” She replied cheerily.

I walked up the stairs to Elliot’s room. He was lying on the floor and throwing a ball up and down in the air.

“Ready?” I asked, and the ball landed on his chest. I started laughing.

“Yeah.” He said while blushing. “You finished with my mom?”

“Yup, now let’s study. Lord knows you need it.” I said.

I pulled my textbook out of my bag and started quizzing him. He did better than the first time. By the time we were done studying, I had the book over my head.

“I hate History.” I mumbled through the pages of the book.

“Same here.” Elliot said while lying next to me.

“The past is the past, we should get over it.” I muttered using my favorite line. Hey, it did make sense in this situation. I felt the book being lifted off my face. “What?”

He was just staring at me. I started to feel self-conscious again. My alarm on my phone started to go off.

“I have to go.” I said as I started to gather all my stuff together. He let me walk out of the door.

What the hell just happened? I tried to process everything that had just happened as I walked home. Boys are too complicated sometimes…

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