Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

Joe turned towards the cops, gun facing them. He was about to pull the trigger, when the police started firing. One policeman pulled me to the side to cover me.

I counted the bullets. Five. Five entered Joe's body. He fell to the ground.

The cops finished shooting, and one called an ambulance. I ran over to Elliot.

"It's ok." He said as he held me. "He can't come between us again."

I watched the medics wrap Joe in a body bag as Elliot and I were driven to the hospital.

I gripped Elliot's hand the whole ride there. The doctor's examined him. He had a broken rib, and a fractured leg. They put a cast on his leg. I walked into his room.

"Come here." He said as he saw my tear-streaked face. "It's ok."

"I know." I said as he rubbed my back.

I heard someone walk in, and I turned around. It was Carol. I ran over to her and engulfed her in a massive hug. She started bawling into my shoulder.

"The cops told me everything." She whispered.

"It's gonna be ok." I said while mimicking Elliot's words.

"We can't afford anything without his paycheck." She cried. I gripped her by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

"My mom and I will always be there for you. Just ask, and we will gladly help you with anything." I said, and she smiled.

"Thank you." She said gratefully. "Now how's my baby?"

"I'm fine Mom." Elliot groaned. Someone else walked into the room.

"Mom!" I cried, and she came running towards me.

"Carol called me, and I came here as soon as I could. I was already at home waiting for you. I got home early." She said as she stroked my hair. "Are you ok?"

"Yes Mom, I'm fine." I said as I held her.

She walked over to Elliot, and I followed. I started to play with his hair.

"I love you." I said as I kissed his cheek.

"I love you too." He said as he grabbed me and pulled me close. "I always will." I smiled.

"You know what?" Carol said. We all gave her quizzical looks. "I think it is better this way." She said, and we all knew what she meant.

"Yeah, it is." Elliot said as he kissed me.

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