Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

It was Thursday; two more days to go.

"Paige, two more!" Alex yelled at me.

"I know. I'm so excited." I replied.

"This is going to be amazing. Two whole weeks in Miami." He beamed.

"Yeah, Merry Christmas 'cause that's all you're getting from me." I laughed. He hugged me and ran to his next class.

Elliot walked through the door with seconds to spare. I looked at his face, and I was glad to see that the bruise on his jaw had disappeared.

I fell asleep during free time, and when the bell rang, I fell out of my seat. I heard Elliot laughing.

"Help?" I said while batting my eyelashes at him.

He grabbed my hand and helped me to my feet. We were the only ones lefts in the class. I realized how close I was to him.

"Not funny." I whispered at him.

He gently pressed his lips to mine, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I quickly pulled away though.

I walked out of class and went into the bathroom. I felt a few wet tears fall down my eyes. I hated being emotional. I hated crying. The only reason I was crying was because I didn't know what was going to happen between us.

We had been through so much, and he still hadn't asked me out. He would kiss me, and then we would fight the next day. This was not a situation that I liked to be in. I walked out of the bathroom and to my next class.

At lunch, I had my earphones in the entire time. I forced myself not to look up because if I did, I knew I would see his eyes staring at me. When the bell rang, I walked swiftly out of the cafeteria. I didn't look back once.

I made it through the whole school-day without talking to him. But when I got home, he was waiting there for me. I tried to ignore him, but I wasn't harsh enough to leave him in the snow. I opened my door and as I walked in, I kept the door open for him to follow. I went into the kitchen, and I hopped on my counter.

"What's wrong?" he asked concerned. Of course he wouldn't understand how I felt.

"Nothing." I said while looking at him.

"Fine, I won't push you. I just wanted to see if you were ok." He said with a sad look in his eyes. Damn him, I couldn't stay mad.

"Seriously, it's nothing. I'm over it." I said as I grabbed his arm. I was not about to tell him how I really felt.

What if he didn't feel the same? Miami would have been horrible.

I looked at him, and I knew he wasn't convinced. I had to come up with something fast, so he would believe me.

I pulled him by the shirt and brought him closer to me and the counter. I pressed my lips to his. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and my hands around his neck. I deepened the kiss. We pulled away after a few minutes to breathe.

"See, I'm fine." I stated. I felt my heart break even more at the thought of what I had just done. The whole reason why I was upset was because of this.

"Good." He smiled. I could tell that he was still weary, but he believed me, and that just made this a hundred times worse.

Friday. One more day to go. I just wanted to get through this day without any drama. This trip was going to be amazing, and I didn't want anything to ruin it.

I was so antsy for the final bell to ring during History. I stared at the clock, beckoning it to move. Tick, tock, tick, tock. It taunted me. The final bell rang, and I ran out of there.

The boys and Mrs. Chance were coming to my house late tonight. Since Joe always went to the bars at nine and didn't come home until the next morning, they were going to stay the night at my place. I had two guest beds, not including my mom's room because it was filled with all her work stuff.

I ran home and started to clean the house. Alex and Elliot would take a guest room; Mrs. Chance would take the other. I finished cleaning, and I grabbed my suitcases. I wanted to put them in an obvious spot, so even I couldn't forget them.

Everyone was here by ten o'clock. Mrs. Chance immediately went to bed because she had a long day, so I showed her to her room.

The boys and I wanted to stay up a little later. I was in the kitchen, on the counter, eating from the ice cream carton. I was in my shorts and a tank top, which were my pajamas. The boys took one look at me and laughed.

"What, no whipped cream?" Alex asked.

"I would like some, please?" I begged.

Bad decision. The boys grabbed two cans of whipped cream from behind their backs and started creaming me, literally. I had whipped cream in my hair and all over my body. I laughed and chased the boys around. I tackled Alex.

"Come on, you know you love us." he begged.

"This is true, but you are still cleaning my kitchen while I take a shower." I giggled at their groans and protests. "It better be spotless by the time I get out."

I walked upstairs and into my shower, which was attached to my room. I took a quick picture of me with the whipped cream all over my body. That was definitely going up as my profile picture for my social networking page.

I hopped into the shower and began scrubbing the cream out of my hair. I remembered to shave my legs because we were going to be in bathing suits for the next two weeks.

I walked out of the bathroom, in my towel, to see the boys sitting on my bed.

"Get the hell out of my room!" I yelled at them. I knew I wasn't going to wake Mrs. Chance up because she was on the other side of the house.

They both blushed and walked out of my room.

"Pervs!" I yelled after them.

I got dressed into another pair of shorts and a tank top. I walked out of my room and into the guest room.

"Enjoy the show?" I smirked.

"Actually-" Elliot slapped Alex in the head before he could finish. "Ow!"

"We are sorry." Elliot apologized for the both of them.

"You better be." I teased as I hopped on the bed.

"Speak for yourself." Alex said with a playful smirk, and Elliot hit him again. "Ow!"

"Well you should've learned your lesson the first time." Elliot shrugged.

I laughed, and I laid between my two best friends. Elliot wrapped his arms around me, and before I knew it, I was asleep.

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