Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The next day, I got ready and saw that my mom had left. I figured it wouldn't last. Still, it felt good being able to be with her. I started walking to school.

I grabbed my books and went to Math. This time, I was the one that was late and not Elliot. The bell rang as soon as I sat down. Today we had a test, and the rest of the time was free time. I finished the test and turned it in. I turned on my music and slowly started to fall asleep.

I felt someone put their hand on my arm, and I jumped up.

"Shit, you scared the hell outta me." I hissed at Elliot.

"Sorry." He said, trying to suppress a laugh.

"Whatever." I said.

"Well you scared me last night." He said his face serious.

"How did I scare you?" I asked very confused.

"I made you leave so quickly then I thought, 'oh crap, it's late.' Then I tried calling you, and you didn't answer, so yeah you did scare me a little." He said looking directly at me.

"Sorry, my mom came home early, and we had a girl's night. Then I fell asleep, but I'm still tired, so you're lucky that I'm not asking questions." I said putting my head on the desk.

"Ok." He said and he patted my head. "Goodnight Paige." He laughed.

Apparently I did fall asleep. I dreamed about Elliot. We were on the beach, and he was about to tell me something, when the bell rang and woke me up.

I leapt out of my seat, and Elliot laughed. I scolded him and walked out. I was so tired all day, and I didn't know why. I slept great last night, so maybe I was getting sick? Oh well.

I walked to History and immediately started the project with Elliot. I found myself sneaking looks at him. His bruise was almost gone, but I could see his shoulder still hurt him. I noticed when he took his jacket off; it looked like he was in pain. I put my hand on his and gave him a genuine smile, which he returned.

"Can you still come over?" he asked me.

"Yeah, but this time I'll set an alarm for whatever that was." I said trying not to push him.

"Thanks." He said avoiding my eyes, and I sighed.

He looked at me then, and I saw something that I never saw on Elliot; it almost looked like fear. Obviously I was getting sick and my mind was playing tricks on me. The final bell rang, and we went to his house.

"Hi Paige honey." Carol said.

"Hi Carol, nice to see you." I said with a smile.

"You too." She said, and she walked into the kitchen.

This time I walked to Elliot's room. We worked on the project. Thirty minutes until five, which was when I had to leave, we stopped and started talking.

"Your last name isn't Chance, is it?" I asked while lying down on his bed.

"No, it's Walsh." He said across the room on the floor. I yawned and started coughing.

"Aw, crap." I said while covering my mouth.

"Getting sick?" he asked and came to lie beside me.

"Yeah, I guess. I'll be fine. I want to try out for basketball next week." I said turning towards him.

"Ok." Elliot said while flipping his hair out of his eyes, and I started smiling.

He was about to say something when my alarm went off.

"I'll see you tomorrow Elliot." I said turning to leave.

Before I could walk out he was in his doorway, and he gave me a hug.

"You're amazing, you know that?" he said as he pulled away.

I walked out of his house with a smile on my face. Elliot was the amazing one. He was sweet and cute and had an amazing personality.

I walked into my house and turned the oven on. I was starving, and I wanted to make cheese sticks. I threw the sticks in the oven and waited. My phone went off as I was grabbing a bottle of water.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey PJ what's up?" Elliot asked, while using my nickname.

"Nothing, you?" I asked while opening the oven.

"Cleaning my room." He responded.

"Shouldn't you be cleaning, not talking?" I asked with a smile tugging at my lips.

"Yup, but I'm talking, so I can't clean." He answered.

I started to laugh, but my hand slipped while holding the tray, and I dropped it on my hand.

"Dammit!" I screamed, holding back tears. It was starting to burn, so I put my hand under cold water.

"Paige what's wrong, are you ok?" he asked worried.

"Yeah, I dropped a hot tray on my hand. I have to go." I said still fighting tears.

"Ok, see ya." He said.

I put some lotion on my hand and wrapped it up. I took some cold medicine and went to bed.

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