Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

On Thursday, Elliot met me halfway to school. We walked together the rest of the way. I grabbed my stuff out of my locker and then went to Math with him.

“Class, today I will be your sub.” A chubby man with a white beard said. He looked like Santa Claus. “Your teacher didn’t leave me any notes though, so you may talk silently amongst yourselves for the remainder of the class.” Everyone cheered at his speech.

“Hey guys, I’m throwing another party tomorrow. You wanna come?” Thomas asked. Damn, this kid must love throwing parties.

“Sure.” I said with a smile. This time, it wouldn’t be ruined; I hope. I looked over at Elliot.

“I’ll try to make it.” He shrugged.

“Cool, see ya there.” He winked at me.

During last hour, we received our tests back. I looked at the 100% written across the top of the paper.

“What’d you guys get?” I asked the boys.

“B+” Elliot shrugged. I looked at Alex.

“A 60%.” He blushed.

“Maybe you should’ve studied with us then.” I smiled at him.

“Probably.” He said as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. I laughed at him.

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