Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I woke up in a foreign room to the sound of beeping. I slammed the alarm off, and I took notice that two arms were wrapped around me. I turned to see Elliot's sleeping face. I carefully squirmed out of his grasp, so I could get ready.

I had set the alarm extra early, so I made sure that we were on time. I went into the other guest room to wake Mrs. Chance up. She was already awake and running about the room getting ready.

I walked back into my room and got dressed in sweatpants and a tank top. I put a grey cardigan on, and I went to brush my teeth and hair. After I was dressed, I walked into the boy's room. I sat in between them. I went over to Elliot, and I whispered into his ear.

He woke up, and I pointed to Alex. He got the idea, and we both started screaming. Alex jumped out of bed and fell to the floor. I started laughing so hard that I felt tears in my eyes.

"Get ready, we leave in half an hour." I said as I left the room.

The limo pulled in front of my mouth, and everyone's mouth dropped. I laughed at their shocked expressions. The driver came and took our luggage.

I sat in the limo and waited for the others.

"Wow." They all were in awe. I laughed at them.

"Do you really think we would've fit four people and two weeks' worth of luggage in a taxi?" I continued laughing.

"Spoiled." I heard Elliot tease under his breath. I carefully slapped him, making sure that I didn't touch him in any place that would hurt him.

We arrived at the airport, and we grabbed our luggage. We made our way through security, and then after an hour's wait, we boarded the plane.

"First class is that way." A flight attendant pointed to the left.

"Thank you." I said as I herded my group into first class.

"Holy shit!" Elliot beamed.

"My mom ordered the tickets, so don't you dare call me spoiled again." I warned him.

We sat down, and Elliot sat next to me. Alex and Mrs. Chance were behind us. Elliot casually draped his arm around me, and I rested my head on his shoulder. I made sure that it wasn't his hurt shoulder. I eventually fell asleep.

"Wake up." Elliot said as he pushed the hair out of my face.

"Miami, finally." I sighed.

"Let's go." He said as he helped me up.

We grabbed our luggage, and then a limo picked us up, so we could get to the hotel. We arrived at the hotel, and my mom greeted us.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't meet you guys at the airport; I just got out of a meeting." She apologized.

"No need to worry." Mrs. Chance said. "I'm Carol, Elliot's mom, and I can't thank you enough."

"It's a pleasure to have you guys here." She said. She looked at Alex. "You must be Alex; Paige has said so many things about all of you. Elliot, we have already met." She said while giving everyone smiles.

"Let's go unpack, so I can go to the beach." I cheered.

"Actually PJ, the beach is closed today due to undertows, but you can go by the pool. Oh, and I'm taking everyone to dinner tonight." My mom said as we crammed into the elevator. "Now here is our suite."

We walked into a beautiful suite. Everyone was in awe, except my mother and me.

"I'm so sorry, but I have to run back to the office, but I'll see you all at seven." She said as she walked out the door.

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