Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I walked into the school next morning with my gym bag. It had all my basketball crap in it. I dropped it off in my gym locker and then went to Math class.

Elliot wasn't there, but I didn't really care. The day flew by in a hurry.

The next thing I knew, I was at tryouts. There were about thirty girls there, but I wasn't worried. I made all my shots and layups with ease. I knew I was going to make the team, so I didn't need to stress over it.

After tryouts, I went home to take a shower. The next day would be the last day of tryouts, and then I would see who made the cut.

On Tuesday, it poured rain. I grabbed my umbrella and walked to school. I walked through the doors to the school and slipped on my slick feet. I almost fell on my butt, but I grabbed on to someone. I turned to see my savior of embarrassment, and of course my eyes saw Elliot.

"Thanks." I mumbled letting go of him.

"No problem." He said with his genuine smile.

I was still pissed at him for getting all jealous and sitting with those sluts in front of me, but I had to smile back. I left Elliot and went to my locker to retrieve my supplies for class. I made my way through the halls and into Mr. Millar's class. It was the same stuff every day, and it bugged me. I finished my homework and put in my earphones. I felt someone turn around in the seat in front of me.

"Hey, look I'm sorry, and I know I've been saying that a lot, but it's true. I really am. I shouldn't have done that even if I was mad. I-" he said with pleading eyes before I interrupted him.

"It's ok. It's in the past; let's leave it there." I said with a smile, which he returned with a sigh of relief.

"Good." He stated. "How were tryouts yesterday?"

"Fine." I said trying not to brag. "Why weren't you here yesterday?"

"Um," he began, glancing around the room. "I had to do something with my stepdad."

"Ok?" I said not so sure if I did believe him. "I won't be able to come to your house until tomorrow, that sound ok?"

"Yeah." He said as the bell rang.

At lunch, everyone was talking about the parties thrown over the weekend. I didn't pay much attention, because I really didn't care about them.

They were fun while they lasted, but there was no need to drag them on. The rest of the day slowly ticked along until the final bell.

I rushed to the gym to change into my basketball stuff, which consisted of basketball shoes, shorts, and an old t-shirt. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and grabbed a ball. I started to warm up, getting into my rhythm when I heard someone behind me.

"You have a nice form. I think you'll be a great point guard." Miss May, the coach said.

"Thanks coach. I've practiced a lot to make it this way." I replied.

"Good, practice is the perfect thing to do." She said as she strode away to watch the other girls.

I knew that I was going to make it. The good thing was that practices were in the morning, so I could get them out of the way. We finished early so Coach could say who made it. I looked at the sheet, and I made the A team. I was ecstatic. I went home to take a shower. I fell asleep soon afterwards.

I woke up the next morning and went to school. Practices didn't start until after break. The day went by in a blur, and I didn't bother to try and clear it.

I walked home with Elliot with a poster board for the display. We just needed to print out pictures and make it look cool. He had been acting strange lately, though. Whenever I tried to ask him questions, he would avoid them and ask his own. I didn't know what was up with him, and I tried to avoid prying into his life, but it was annoying me, not knowing.

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