Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

When I woke up the next day, she was about to leave, so I gave her a kiss, and I told her I loved her. She told me that she also loved me, and that she always would. She said she would be sending the tickets as soon as possible.

There I sat in my empty house, bored out of my mind. I really wanted to do something, but I didn't know what. It was Sunday, so it was usually my "lazy day". I didn't want the day to go to waste, like my usual Sundays though.

I went upstairs and got dressed in jeans and a sweater. I stopped and looked at my painting. It looked just the same as I remembered it, the meadow that is. I turned away before I started thinking about it further.

I wanted to call Elliot, but it was early in the morning, and I figured he would probably be asleep. I know now that I like Elliot. He is sweet, hot, and caring, but I really wanted to know his secret. He is in pain most of the time, and he can lash out his anger on others.

I'm not afraid of him though; I'm afraid for him. I sighed and laid down on my bed. I looked up at the ceiling and thought about the war project. It was due before break, and that was two weeks away. Elliot and I have gotten the majority of it done, but we still need to do the display. The slideshow and essay were already done. We worked a lot quicker on it than I thought we would.

It was noon when my phone buzzed, indicating a text.

Hey, did ur mom leave? From Elliot

Ya, at like 7. I caught her before she left without a goodbye. I replied.

Cool, so what u doing?- Elliot

Nothing just bored. Hbu?

Same. Wanna go to the beach tonite, I hear there's a bonfire?-Elliot

Sounds cool, what time? I asked.

8, I'll pick u up. - Elliot

Kk, cya


I had eight hours to kill. I decided that I would start getting ready at six, so I could waste time. That means I had six hours to kill. I hate being bored! I guess I'd just watch some TV.

It was six, and I was rummaging through my closet. It was going to be chilly, so I had to wear something warm. I found a pair of dark-wash skinny jeans, and a dark purple sweater. It was cute enough for a bonfire.

I left my hair down and threw on my black sneakers. I made sure my phone had a full charge, and I waited for Elliot. I finished about a half an hour early, so I had a snack. I was cleaning up my room when the doorbell rang.

"Hey Elliot!" I said as I looked at him in his jeans and the same leather jacket that he wore at the previous party.

"Hey, ready to go?" he asked, noticing my attire as well.

"Yup." I said popping the "p".

I followed him out the door, and we started walking towards the beach.

"Who's bonfire?" I asked walking in stride next to him.

"Um, I think Connor's." he said.

"He seems cool."

"Yeah, he's on the boys' basketball team."

"I can still kick his ass." I muttered, and he laughed.

"Don't like to lose, do you?" he said still laughing.

"I hate it." I stated

"Same here." He agreed.

"Do you play any sports?" I asked. I never seen him play anything, or talk about them either.

"Well, I played football from first grade to freshman year, then I quit." He said looking ahead.

"Why did you quit?" I asked curious.

"Reasons." He almost whispered.

I sighed. Yet again I didn't want to push him, but I could only have so much patience. We arrived at the party, and I could see that it was basically the same people from the last party. I hope that Mike guy wasn't here.

"Paige over here." I saw Connor waving at us.

I ran over to him with Elliot close behind. "Hey Connor." I said.

"Yeah, hey." Elliot said not looking at Connor. Was that jealousy I saw in his eyes?

"So Paige, I didn't invite Mike to the party, in hopes that you were gonna come." Connor said.

"Thanks. I was just thinking about that." I said flashing him a smile.

"No problem. If you would excuse me, I have to entertain my other guests." He said with the same smile. I nodded, and he walked off.

I heard Elliot mumble something, but I didn't bother listening. He was jealous and over nothing. I pulled him away, so we could walk by the water. After a while, we just sat on the sand and watched the waves. I was propping myself up with my elbows, and Elliot was doing the same. I was concentrating on the waves, trying to remember them, so I could paint them later, when Elliot pushed my elbow out from under me, and I fell on my back.

"What the hell was that for?" I asked trying to sound furious, which was failing. He didn't even try to hide his amusement.

"Sorry I couldn't pass up an opportunity like that."

He was on the sand next to me laughing his ass off. I jumped on him and straddled him.

"It wasn't that funny." I said trying to hold his arms down, but he was too strong.

"Oh, but it was." He said pushing me off him. We rolled in the sand until he pinned me down.

"Looks like the shoe's on the other foot." He said while placing his forehead on mine.

I didn't respond because I knew what was coming, unlike last time. He lowered his lips to mine, and they tasted the same, except there was a hint of sand lingering on his lips.

I smiled into the kiss, as did he. He started to deepen the kiss, licking the bottom of my lip for entrance. I opened my mouth just a little. I felt his tongue explore my mouth. We pulled apart after a few minutes for air.

"Hey guys, come on. The fire's starting!" some kid yelled.

Elliot helped me to my feet, and I brushed the sand off me. We sat close to the fire, and it was warm, but not warm enough for me. The winds were making it chilly, and I shivered.

Elliot draped his leather jacket around my shoulders. I turned around and thanked him, noticing that he had a long sleeve shirt on. I know it sounds cheesy, but it was really sweet. I leaned back against him, and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Truth or dare anyone?" Alex asked everyone. I didn't notice him when we first got here.

"Sure." I said with almost everyone else.

It was mainly common dares and truths, the funniest being when some freshman had to run around naked by the ocean. I couldn't stop laughing. Finally it was my turn, and I wasn't going to be a wimp and choose truth.

"Dare." I said with a mischievous smirk.

"Hmm, let me think." Said a boy that I have only seen occasionally, probably a junior. "Well, how 'bout you have a good old make out session with the host of the party."

I felt Elliot tense up. I looked around to see Connor. He was shocked that he was dragged into it, but then he smiled at me.

"Fine. I'm not a chicken." I said and walked over to Connor.

I grabbed his jacket, pulled him close, and kissed him on his lips. They were soft, but not as soft as Elliot's. Our lips didn't blend together like they did with mine and Elliot's. I felt his tongue slip in my mouth, not even asking for entrance.

"Get some!" I heard a bunch of freshmen boys yell. I flipped them off and continued kissing Connor until the guy who dared me told me told me to stop. It was a long kiss, and after, I went to go sit down next to Elliot.

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