Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

On Wednesday, I was psyched for the game. Elliot was still being weird, but I hardly paid attention to it. I just wanted to win.

During last hour, we had the test that Elliot and I had been studying for the past few days. I looked over the test and answered the questions with ease. I walked up to turn my test in, and I saw that Elliot was actually answering the questions. I turned to Alex. He looked like a complete idiot, and I started cracking up as I sat down.

It was the fourth quarter, and we were up by two. I had the ball, and we were trying to kill the clock because there was less than twenty seconds.

“Foul, foul her!” I heard the other coach say.

I didn’t see the stubby girl from the other team. She barreled into me, and I fell to the ground. The wind was knocked out of me. The whole stadium was shocked. It went silent. My coach came running towards me. Fuck. My. Life.

“Paige, are you ok?” she asked frantically. I nodded and took her hand to help me up.

I bent over to try and capture my breath. It worked, and I walked to the free throw line.

The referee handed me the ball, and I bounced it three times before I shot it. Swoosh. He handed me the ball again. I bounced it three times and shot it. Another swish. The game ended Warriors 64, Badgers 60.

My whole team went nuts and ran towards me. I hugged them as we walked into the locker room.

“No practice tomorrow. We got two injured girls out there, and I want them to rest.” Coach May said as she looked at Ashley and me. Ashley had landed on her wrist pretty hard, but we were sure it wasn’t broken.

I walked over to Alex and Elliot.

“Hey you ok?” Elliot asked. I nodded.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I said as we walked home.

I walked into my house and called my mom.

“Hey honey, what’s up?” she asked into the phone.

“Nothing, I just got back from my second basketball game. We have won both so far.” I beamed.

“That’s great sweetheart. I will try and make it to your last few games, ok?” she said.

“Yeah, love you.” I smiled into the phone.

“Love you too.” She said and I hung up the phone.

Maybe moving to New York was a great idea. My mom and I had grown closer, and I have great friends. I went to sleep thinking about Chicago.

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