Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

I woke in a hospital bed. My mom, Carol, Alex, and Elliot were all hovering around me.

"What the hell happened?" I croaked.

"You slipped on some water and hit your head, Sweety." My mom said as she kissed my forehead.

I was about to reply when the doctor came in.

"So I see our patient has awoken." He smiled. He was short and plump, but he had a warm smile.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"Well, it is Sunday, so about a day." the doctor replied.

"What's the diagnosis?" I asked while trying to sit up, but I felt about four pairs of hands push me down.

"A minor concussion. You will have headaches, no physical activity for at least three days, and someone will have to watch you while you sleep to make sure everything is ok." He smiled again. "You may be released as soon as your mom signs these papers."

My mom signed the papers, and I was wheeled out of the hospital. The doctor wasn't kidding, my head was throbbing, but he had given me some pills to help with the pain. I took one and tried not to focus on the pain.

We reached the hotel, and Elliot had to carry me. This was another exception; it didn't count. He set me down on my bed. My mom brought me some water and a granola bar. I scarfed the food.

"I'll watch her." Elliot told my mom. She was reluctant to leave, but she nodded and left.

Elliot sat on the edge of my bed.

"You scared the crap outta me, you know?" he said while looking at me.

"Sorry, I'm such a klutz." I said with a smile. It was true; I would trip over thin air.

"You should get some sleep." He said, and I nodded. Elliot crawled under the covers next to me.

I couldn't say no to him when he was helping me, so this was yet another exception. Damn, I really have to stop making exceptions.

I woke up the next morning, showered, got dressed, and took the pills. I was supposed to stay in bed for three days while I was on vacation, how boring was that? I could tell that Elliot and Alex really wanted to go outside, and I didn't want to deprive them of their vacation.

"Go, have fun. I'll be fine." I told them.

"Bu-" they both started, but I interrupted them.

"I'm in pain, and I don't want to discuss anymore, so go enjoy Miami." I shooed them out the door. Elliot gave me one last look before he left.

I fell asleep, and I was awoken by two strong arms.

"Paige, get up." Someone said frantically.

"What?" I shot up, and my head started pounding. I put my hand to my head. "Ow."

"I'm sorry, but you are not supposed to fall asleep without anyone here. I knew I shouldn't have left." He muttered to himself.

"Relax, I'm fine. I'm sorry, I didn't know." I told him. I really had no idea that I wasn't supposed to sleep. "What time is it?"

"Six." He said as he still held me. I realized what was happening, and I pulled away. I couldn't look him in the eyes. "What's wrong?"

"My head, it just hurts." I said while still avoiding his gaze. I heard him sigh. This was going to be tougher than I thought.

"Ok." He said coolly. "You can go back to sleep now."

I nodded and dozed off. Despite the many hours that I had been sleeping lately, my whole body felt exhausted. Maybe it was the pills the doctor gave me.

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