Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Hey Paige." I heard Alex say as soon as I walked into school.

"Hey." I said continuing to walk to Math.

My hand was still in a wrap. The burn was pretty bad, and it covered practically my whole hand, but I would be fine for basketball. I put my books down and saw Elliot walking into class.

"Hey. How's your hand?" he asked looking at my hand.

I lifted it to show him the wrap.

"I'll live."

"Good, don't want you dying on me."

Class started, and during free time I heard people talk about a party tonight since it was Friday.

"Hey Paige, Elliot, do you guys wanna come to my party tonight. It'll be awesome." Some kid named Thomas said.

I hadn't been to a party since Chicago, and I missed it.

"Sure, when and where?" I asked.

"Give me your number and I'll text you." Thomas said as I handed him my phone.

"Cool. So Elliot, how 'bout you?" Thomas asked him.

I looked over at Elliot. He seemed like he was thinking.

"Maybe." He finally said.

Thomas just nodded. The bell rang, and we left class. At lunch everyone was talking about the party, saying it was going to be the best of the year.

Last hour, Elliot and I figured that we didn't have to meet tonight. He said he still wasn't sure if he could go to the party, but I really wanted him to.

I walked home right away, so I could choose what to wear. I took a shower, then went through my closet, and found a cute, navy-blue dress. It was strapless, and it went down to right above my knees. I grabbed black ballet flats. I left my hair down in its natural curly state and added some brown eyeliner with a silvery eye shadow.

I know it didn't seem like me, but on some occasions I liked to dress up. I looked at my phone and read the text from Thomas. It said the party was a few blocks away at eight o'clock. It was six already, so I just sat and watched TV.

I tried texting Elliot, but he didn't reply. I sighed, oh well; I was going no matter what. This new school was a lot better than my last one. I've made tons of friends, and I know I'm going to be on the basketball team. So far, this year was going great.

It was eight when I started walking to Thomas'. I was half a block away, and I could already hear the party. I was late, but not that late. I swiftly made my way through his front door, and I saw Alex.

"Hey Alex, what's up?" I asked strolling over to him and his friends.

"Nothing. Hey have you met Connor?" he asked gesturing to a boy with bleach-blonde hair and grey eyes. He was average height, but he was still a little taller than me.

"No. Hi I'm Paige." I said waving at him.

"I know. You kicked this dude's ass." He said pushing Alex playfully on the shoulder.

"Yeah he's easy." I said laughing at the look Alex shot me.

"Well I don't even want to try and play you. Alex crushed me, so I think you would murder me." Connor said coming up to me.

"Don't get too close, she kicks." Alex said playfully coming in between us. I burst out laughing.

"That's only 'cause you said I had a nice ass and grabbed it." I said while pushing him away.

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