Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The next morning, I rushed to school, so I could talk to Elliot. I ignored everyone else and went to my locker to grab my books. I realized that it was Friday, and we had a week before Miami. I needed to make up with Elliot before then.

I made my way to Math class, and I took my usual seat. Right when the bell rang, Elliot walked in. I tried to hold his attention with my eyes, but he ignored me. I sighed.

I finished the assignment, and I was waiting for Elliot to finish, so I could apologize. He finished, and I carefully tapped his shoulder. He turned around. I saw the bruise that was only forming the day before, had now taken over Elliot's jaw. It was purple.

"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you to leave. I was just angry. I felt horrible afterwards." I pleaded. He sighed.

"Don't apologize. I deserved it. I was acting like a jerk, when all you wanted to do was help. I'm sorry." He said as he took my hand. I smiled.

"One more week, and we are out of this frozen world, and into the sun." Alex said at lunch.

"I know, I can't wait! Two weeks in Miami. I can't wait to go surfing." I cooed.

"You surf?" Elliot asked and Alex laughed.

"She probably thinks she can surf." Alex laughed.

"Oh, just like I only think I'm good at basketball?" I smirked. Alex quickly shut up and Elliot started laughing.

"Hey guys. What's up?" Connor asked as he sat down next to me. I felt Elliot tense next to me.

"Nothing, just talking about our plans for break." I said nonchalantly.

"Cool. So what are you guys doing?" he asked as he draped his arm around my shoulder. It felt foreign, unlike Elliot's.

"We are all going to Miami." I said uncomfortably.

"You boys are lucky. You get to see Paige over here in a bikini." Connor laughed, and I was embarrassed.

"You should leave, now." Elliot spat at Connor.

"Dude, I was only joking." Connor said as he took his shoulder off me and walked away.

"Thanks." I mumbled to Elliot.

I walked out of the cafeteria and into the girls' room. I sighed as I looked in the mirror. That was just too awkward for my liking.

If Elliott really did like me, then he would do something about it.

During History, Mrs. Hills said that Elliot and I would go on Monday. Elliot and I decided that we should work on it at my house this weekend, but not tonight. He said that he needed to do some things. I sighed because I figured that he wouldn't tell me this either. I mean seriously, I've told him everything, and I only know a few things about his troubles. I find this very unfair.

I walked home with the snow falling around me. I stopped at a small coffee shop on the way to my house. For a small café, it was pretty packed. I waited in line to order.

"Can I have a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino with a blueberry muffin, please?" I asked the cute boy behind the counter. He had brown hair and caramel eyes.

"That will be $5.28." he said with a smile. "Please wait to the side."

I waited to the side of the counter as the boy made my order. He handed me my items, and I took a seat at one of the tables nearby.

I munched on my muffin as the boy approached me.

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