Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I went to sleep, and I had the worst nightmare since my father died. It was about Elliot. I was at his house, and Joe, his stepdad, came home early again.

Elliot rushed me into his closet again, and I was horrified for Elliot. I heard screaming, and then Joe threw Elliot's door open.

"I know that you were going to leave, but now you aren't." He screamed at Elliot in my dream. "You actually thought you were going to be safe with that whore?"

Joe punched Elliot square in the jaw. Unlike the real time I saw Joe beating Elliot, I could not turn away. Joe kicked and punched over and over again. I started sobbing. When Joe stormed out of the room, I ran over to the bloody mess that was Elliot.

"Elliot, Elliot!" I croaked, but he wouldn't respond. "I love you Elliot, don't you dare die on me!"

I felt for a pulse, but there was nothing there. He was gone. I was sobbing and stroking his hair when Joe came back.

"It's your turn now, whore." He screamed as he came running towards me.

I woke up in a cold sweat, screaming. My voice was raw and tears blurred my vision. I looked at my alarm clock to see that it was time to get ready.

I took a long, hot shower to try and rid myself of the dream, but I couldn't. I put on skinny jeans and a sweater, and I made my way to school.

My throat was still sore from screaming, and it was hard to talk. I grabbed my supplies from my locker and walked to Math.

"Hey." He said while looking at me. "What's wrong?" How could he tell something was wrong?

Instead of straining my voice by talking, I shook my head.

"I know you're lying." He sighed.

I grabbed a piece of paper.

I can't talk; I pulled my voice this morning.

"How?" he asked.


"About?" he looked worried.

Long story. I will tell you when my voice is better.

"Ok." He said as Mr. Millar came into the classroom.

By lunch time, my voice was starting to come back. It didn't hurt to talk anymore, so I knew I would have to tell Elliot about my dream.

I scanned the lunchroom for him, and I saw him leaning against the wall, surrounded by three girls. He was flirting with them. Two were the cheerleaders that I met on my first day. I stalked over there and stood in front of Elliot. I shot all three girls a death glare, and they ran away.

I didn't want to talk to Elliot anymore. I made my way back to the table and pretended that I still could not speak.

"Paige listen." He pleaded.

I was not up for this conversation, so I threw my lunch out and walked out of the cafeteria. I walked down a few hallways and sat down. I knew this whole mess was too good to be true.

He never did like me. What I wished was not true had actually happened. He used me. Of course he would.

Someone sat next to me, and I didn't have to guess who it was. I turned my head away from him.

"Come on, listen." Elliot begged.

I continued to ignore him.

"I know you can't talk, but at least listen, please?" he pleaded.

"You don't know anything." I snapped.

"I guess I deserved that, but at least hear me out. It's not what it looked like. They came up to me; I didn't want to talk to them. I-" I put my hand up.

"The past is the past; let's leave it there." I said using one of my famous lines, so I didn't have to listen to a story that hurt me. I was still upset, but I listening to him would only make me more upset.

"Ok, then tell me about the nightmare." He stated.

I went on and on about the whole dream. How I was terrified for him, and that I was bawling my eyes out for him. I did leave out the part where I said I loved him.

When I was finished, he just stared at me, and then he wrapped his arms around me.

"That would never happen. I promise. I would never leave you alone to be with that jerk." He whispered into my hair. I let a few tears fall.

"I know." I mumbled.

The bell rang, and the hallway was flooded with kids. Everyone ignored us.

I was sitting on my couch when my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Hey Sweety. I'm just calling to check in on you. How is everything? I can't wait to see Elliot again. He was pretty cute. Oh, and I would love to meet his mother. Plus I haven't met that Alex kid yet." She cooed.

"Oh God, mother! They are both my age." I was so embarrassed.

"So are you dating one of them yet." She beamed. I gagged. Like I would go out with Alex.

"No Mom, I'm not dating either of them." I sighed. "So how's work?"

"Great. I won't be really busy when you come, so I can spend time with all of you!" she cooed.

"Great." I yawned. "Hey Mom, I'm tired so I'm going to bed. Love you."

"Love you too." She responded.

I didn't even bother to go upstairs; I passed out on the couch.

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