Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The game continued on, and I tried to lean back on Elliot, but he wasn't behind me anymore, he was next to me instead.

"Had fun?" he said coldly.

"It was just a dare Elliot." I replied in an annoyed tone.

"So, it looked like you were having a blast." He retorted bitterly.

"I did when I flicked the younger classmen off. Jeez Elliot it was a dare; it meant nothing." I spat. "Besides, it's not like I'm your girlfriend. Don't be so upset." I knew it was a low blow, but it was the truth.

"Whatever." He said and went to go sit between some slutty juniors.

Of course he would do that. He was a jerk the last party, why would he change for this one? I tried to ignore him and the sluts clinging to him, but I couldn't.

Finally I couldn't bare it any longer, so I walked swiftly away. I walked a few minutes before I sat down on a rock. It was big, and it overlooked the ocean. It was a beautiful view. I was watching the waves hit the rocks with such power and force.

It made me feel calm. I wanted to go in the water, but I knew it was a bad idea, one it was freezing, and two, the undertow. If I went out there, nobody would see me again. Maybe that's what I needed, to go in the undertow. I decided against it, telling myself that I needed to last two more weeks and then I would be free, for two more weeks.

I started walking back to the bonfire. They were still playing the game, like nothing happened, and to them, nothing did. I saw that Elliot detached himself from the whores and was standing away from the campfire with a worried expression on his face. Good, he deserved being worried. He didn't see me, and I was glad. I snuck to the fire and sat down by Alex. He looked like he was having a great time, and I should be too.

"Hey Alex, do you think you can drive me home after?" I asked not wanting to walk home with the jealous Elliot.

"Sure, but I'm going to have to tell Elliot. He's worried, I can tell. You walked off, and you were gone a good amount of time." He said staring into the fire.

I sighed. "Fine, but not yet. I want him to sweat it out. I don't want him getting jealous when I'm not even his girlfriend."

"Alright, I won't tell him yet, but before we leave." Alex said. "You know he does like you?"

I didn't respond. Of course I knew he liked me; he was jealous. It was somewhat obvious. I looked at Elliot, and he was still standing in the same spot, looking at the waves, like I did. His face was so focused, and I wondered if I looked like that earlier. I looked into his icy-blue eyes. They were gorgeous. I always said that the eyes were a person's best feature, and it was true. I was gazing into his eyes, so I didn't notice that he tore his eyes from the ocean to mine.

I saw him relax a little at the sight of me, knowing I was ok. He started to walk towards me, and right that second, Alex said he was tired, not even noticing Elliot. Saved by the bell I guess. He walked me to his car, and Elliot followed. Elliot leaned on Alex's car waiting for an explanation.

"Oh, hey Elliot. We were just looking for you. I'm taking Paige home." Alex said hopping in his car.

"Really?" Elliot asked his eyes looking into mine.

"Yup, so see ya." I said and went into Alex's car.

We drove away, and Elliot was still holding my gaze with his brilliant eyes.

We sat in silence the whole way home, not because it was awkward, but I was thinking, and he was tired. He dropped me off at my house, and I thanked him and went inside. I got in my pajamas and flopped down on my bed. We had school the next day, and I needed sleep. Basketball tryouts were going to be tomorrow after school, so I couldn't go to Elliot's.

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