Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

"So is this her?" Joe asked from the doorway. I jumped when I heard his voice. Elliot instinctively pushed me behind him.

"Leave." Elliot growled. Joe looked surprised at Elliot's hostility.

"You don't talk to me like that." Joe snapped. He lunged for Elliot.

They wrestled on the ground, and Joe connected with Elliot's face. Joe stood and kicked him once in the side and once in the leg. Elliot groaned in pain.

"You're the bitch?" Joe said with a deranged smile. I stayed silent. I cowered in fear.

He walked up to me, and I felt his hand connect to my cheek. Tears started brimming on my eyes. The next thing I knew, Elliot was on top of Joe.

They were fighting and screaming, but I couldn't make out the words. I tried to help, but I knew I would only make things worse.

"Run!" Elliot told me.

"Elliot, I-"

"Just go." He shouted.

I didn't want to leave him, but I knew that I could call the cops. I ran out his door and dialed the police.

"911, what's your emergency?" the woman on the phone said.

"Please, I need help." I cried.

"Ok, ok. We have the address from your location, stay calm." The lady said.

I hung up the phone and waited for the police. I was sobbing. The police came, and I explained everything. I led them upstairs, and I could hear arguing.

"Don't do it Joe. You'll go to jail." I heard Elliot state.

"I don't care, you deserve it." Joe snarled.

The police barged in, and I saw Joe holding a gun. Two guns in a week; I couldn't handle it. I saw Elliot on the ground on his back.

"Drop the weapon." A policeman said.

"No." Joe said. I could tell he was drunk.

"Sir, drop the weapon." The policeman barked.

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