Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Friday was our last full day in Miami, and it was New Year’s. We wanted to make the most out of it. My mom promised to take us out to another dinner, and we decided that we should go jet skiing.

There was a huge lake that was used especially for jet skiing. My mom rented the Jet Skis for us, and we put our lifejackets on.

I looked at my blue Jet Ski, and I was psyched. This was going to be awesome. I looked at the boys. Elliot was sitting on a black Jet Ski, and Alex was about to sit down on a red one. I hopped on the Jet Ski, and I took off. I could hear the boys following after me.

“You guys are slow!” I yelled back to them. They pulled up right next to me. Damn.

“Who’s slow now?” Alex teased. They were about to speed off.

“Wait, I need to ask you something.” I called after them. They slowed down. “So, I-”

I floored the throttle, and I splashed them with my wake. I couldn’t stop laughing. I went around the lake one time until they caught me.

“Nice one.” Elliot laughed. “I should’ve seen it coming though.”

“But you didn’t.” I pointed out.

“True.” He stated.

            We continued racing for the rest of the day, until we had to go home and get ready for dinner. I showered, and then I decided to wear my favorite sundress.

            It was light green and strapless, and it went down to my mid-thigh. I let my hair stay in its natural curls, and then I added some mascara, brown eyeliner, and a light gold eye shadow.  I put on my gold flip-flops and then I walked into the living room where everyone was waiting.

            I looked at Alex; he was wearing a red shirt and jeans. My mom was wearing a black dress, while Carol was wearing a blue one. I glanced at Elliot, and he was wearing his signature dark jeans and a black polo.

“Ready?” I asked everyone.

“Yup, the limo is waiting for us.” my mom said.

I walked out before anyone else, and I could feel Elliot’s eyes watching me. I started to blush. Thank God nobody could see my face.

The restaurant was small, but gorgeous. It was Italian, and everyone was so cheery. We were seated, and I decided to order the lasagna. The food came, and it was delicious.

“Desert anyone?” the waitress asked.

“Me.” Alex, Elliot, and I said at the same time. I started laughing. I quickly looked at the desert menu, and my mouth started watering when I saw the chocolate cheesecake.

“Chocolate cheesecake please.” I ordered.

The waitress came back with our deserts, and I was in heaven.

“Can I have a bite?” my mom asked. I looked at my empty plate.

“Um, it’s gone.” I blushed.

“Dude, that was fast.” Alex laughed.

“It was delicious; leave me alone.” I pouted.

When we got back to the hotel, I started packing. I left out the clothes that I was planning to wear tomorrow. I looked over at Elliot, and he didn’t even start. I sighed.

“Seriously, haven’t I told you before.” I said while gesturing to his suitcases.

“I was hoping maybe you would do it.” He pleaded. I rolled my eyes at him.

            “Fine, but you are still on underwear duty.” I huffed.

            I started to pack his bags. He was sitting right next to me as he filled his other case. I got the chills when our elbows brushed together.

            “All done.” I said as I finished the last of his clothes.

            “Thanks.” He said as he kissed my cheek.

            “No problem.” I stated. “I’m gonna go to sleep; we have a long day tomorrow.”

            “Yeah, me too.” He said as we both found our ways to our beds.



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