Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Monday morning we had practice. All of us girls worked our butts off because we were playing a very difficult team the next day. We had another game on Wednesday as well.

Nicole, Ashley, and I walked out of the locker room together.

“Hey there.” Elliot said as he casually slung his arm around me.

“Hey.” I replied and kissed him on the cheek.

“We were just leaving.” Ashley said as she pulled Nicole away.

“But-”I heard Nicole protesting.

“Don’t be a creeper.” Ashley scolded Nicole. I laughed at them, and so did Elliot.

“I see why you hang out with Alex and me all the time.” He laughed.

“Yup, girls are crazy.” I smiled.

I went to my locker and grabbed my books, while Elliot grabbed his. His locker was only a few down from mine. We walked to Math together. I took my seat behind him.

It was hard to pay attention during Mr. Millar’s lecture because I kept staring out the window. It was pouring rain, and it mesmerized me. It held my complete attention. I felt a hand on my shoulder when I finished the assignment, and I was still staring out the window.

“You space out a lot, don’t you?” Elliot mocked me, and I stuck my tongue out at him.

“So what?” I said as the bell rang. He laughed at me, and I walked to my locker.

“I’ll see ya at lunch.” He said as he kissed my forehead and walked away. A few minutes later, I felt someone grab my arm.

“What, you missed me?” I smirked, turning around expecting Elliot. It wasn’t him.

I looked into Tony’s caramel eyes.

“Actually no, I haven’t.” He said with a crazed look in his eyes. This kid was crazy.

“Hi Tony.” I mumbled as I picked my stuff up and tried to walk around him. He blocked my path.

“You got me suspended, and now they took my scholarship away.” he yelled. “And you think you can get away with it?” He pushed my back against the locker.

I started to scream. He put a hand over my mouth. I tried to kick and thrash around, but he pulled something out of his backpack. My heart sank when I realized what he held.

A gun.

A gun was pointed at my head. I felt tears blur my vision. I saw a janitor walk by, and I pleaded to him with my eyes. He quickly said something into his walkie-talkie, and he put a finger to his lips, signaling me to stay quiet.

Tony looked at me with insanity in his eyes. I had taken away the only thing that had mattered to him, and he was going to make me pay.

I saw that a bunch of teachers, cops, and janitors had arrived at the scene. I hadn’t noticed that they had been talking to Tony.

“Let her go son.” A cop rationed with Tony. “If you kill her, you will have not only lost your scholarship, but you will be in prison for life. Think rationally.”

“I want her to pay.” He cried as he pressed the gun further to my head. I remained silent and still.

“Just let her go, and everything will be ok.” The cop told him. “Think about her family, and what it would do to them. Better yet, think about your family.” That got Tony’s attention. He pressed the gun to my head one more time, and then he turned around.

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