Rebel Without a Cause

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Finally, a story of my own! My name is Aurora Levesque

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Finally, a story of my own! My name is Aurora Levesque. Last name sounds familiar? Well I'm the daughter of The Game, Triple H, and the Billion Dollar Princess, Stephanie McMahon.

I have 3 sisters, well 4: Isabella, Jamie, Murphy and Vaughn. Isabella and Jamie are 18, Murphy is 11 and Vaughn is 9. Let's not forget my big brother Zack, the newest addition to our family. He's 17 and a Junior. As for me, I just turned 14 years old and I'm a freshman in high school. My parents are running the WWE full time. Since my dad has "retired" from in ring performing, he's been running NXT full-time and in and out of the office throughout the week. It's pretty normal. He'll fly out to the Wednesday's and be back by Thursday. Mom is home quite a bit as well unless she's speaking at a conference or something.

Boring you much with what they do? Right, let's move on.

You met my sister Izzy in the first part of this story. She's off at college in California now and I miss her a lot. She comes home every chance she gets and we FaceTime practically every day. Well, that is when I have my phone. If not, she has to go through my parents. If you're wondering if they still stay on her? Absolutely. With age comes freedom, as the saying goes, but in this family, discipline never goes away.

Being in high school without my sister was one thing, but now I have an older brother watching my every move. Zack is so overprotective. Sometimes he's worse than my dad and uncles. If a boy tries to talk to me, he pops up or he finds out and questions me about it. He's on the varsity football team and he's become one of the most popular guys in school.

Since he has practice and my parents travel in the middle of the week, I tend to help out with my sisters. Just the basics. We have a driver and I just need to make sure we all get in the house, text my parents once we are, and wait for either of them to get home. We had a nanny, but as our family grew, my parents gave us more responsibility. If they both happen to be out of town though, our grandparents will come over. My parents have a system to make it all work and keep us in line, for the most part.

It's another day in the Levesque household. After we all got dressed we headed downstairs. I was happy to see a plate of my moms French toast in my usual spot.

"Morning girls," my mom said, placing a plate in front of each of us.

"Morning," we replied.

Zack soon came up from the basement with a towel and basketball shorts and a T-shirt. He works out every morning before school. Mom makes him shower down there simply so he isn't hugging her first thing in the morning all sweaty.

"Morning," he said, chipper as usual.

"Good morning," we said, simultaneously.

He went to steal a piece of bacon off my plate, but I quickly smacked his hand. He ruffled my hair in return. I was about to hit him back, but my dad came in.


All he had to do was say his name to get him to stop. As he sat down, mom placed a plate in front of him. My dad made his rounds saying good morning to everyone as we ate breakfast. Zack was always the first to get up since he had to go get dressed.

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