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|Paul's POV|

After talking to Aurora, I went and checked on Vaughn. Out of all my girls, she's the quietest and least confrontational. She doesn't like yelling and hates to see people fight. I saw her cuddled up next to Murphy as they watched TV. It was well after 10pm by this point. I needed her to get some sleep.

"Thanks Murphy, I got it from here."

She got up to leave but Vaughn just held to her tighter.

"I don't want to sleep alone," she said.

I motioned to Murphy it was ok for her to leave as I pulled Vaughn into my arms.

"You ok sweetie?"

"I don't want Zach and Rory to hate each other."

"They don't. They just had a disagreement."

"They were fighting daddy. Rory was hitting him. That means they don't like each other."

"Sometimes people react out of anger. That's what you saw happen between Rory and Zach. She got upset and she reacted in a way that could have really hurt someone."

"I hope they won't be mad at each other forever."

"They won't. I promise. You want to sleep in my room tonight?"

"I'm a big girl. I can handle it."

"I know you are, but I also know how people arguing bothers you."

"Um, ok."

"Alright, let's go get you tucked in. I have to go talk to Zach, but I'll be in right after. You can turn the TV on in the meantime."

Once I got her tucked in, it was time for me to go deal with Zach. Hopefully he had calmed down. I went into his room and he was nowhere to be found. He's probably in the gym. I made my way down to the basement and sure enough there he was. The music was blasting and he was landing hit after hit on the punching bag. I turned the music off, but that didn't stop him. I just let him finish getting his anger out so we could talk.

As I took a seat on the bench, I saw him slowing down which meant he'd be stopping soon. Once he finished he ripped off the gloves and started un taping his hands. I handed him a towel and a bottle of water.

"We need to talk, Zach."

He nodded.

"Are you calm enough to talk to me?"

"I'm good."

He chugged the water and took a seat on the bench where I was.

"I'll get right to it. Did you have to go and bother your sister?"

"I didn't go and bother her. I went to try and talk to her. I wanted to see what was going on. She freaked out."

"What exactly did you say to her?"

"I said that it was obvious there was a hickey on her neck. She told me it was none of my business. She's my little sister, of course I got mad. I don't want to see her that."

"So, what made her snap at you?"

He shrugged.

"Probably because I told her the guy would break her heart and don't come crying to me when he does. That's when she slapped me and started hitting me. I didn't hit her back though."

"No, I just walked in to you on her back."

"I grabbed her arms to stop hitting me. I was going to let her up, but then she tried to throw her lamp at me, but she missed and it hit the wall. It almost hit Murphy and I got mad all over again."

The Princess and The Game's Rebel (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now