Mind Your Business

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|Aurora's POV|

I knew the talk with my dad was coming after having the conversation with my mom. When I called her hysterically crying, she was sympathetic and told me to calm down so I wouldn't make myself sick. When she called me back, she didn't have that same energy. From the look on her face, I knew she was pissed.

Hi mommy.

I just talked to your father and he told me you came home with a hickey on your neck.


Aurora, you had the privilege to go out with your friends after school and this is what you do? Who the hell were you with?

Mom, I was with my friends and one thing led to another.

What the hell do you mean...

No, no, not what you're thinking.

Then explain yourself Aurora. Think real hard about the words you're going to say.

It was just a fucking hickey. They're freaking out as if I had sex or something.

I was with my friends at Sky's house. Jonas and I went to talk alone. He told me he liked me, we ended up making out, and then I came home.

So why didn't you follow what your dad told you to do?

Mom, I was in the middle of a conversation.

A conversation that could have waited to be honest. You didn't even call your father to give him the heads up and you put Zach in a tough spot too. That wasn't right Aurora and you know it.

Ok, I messed up. You and dad are freaking out over this hickey. It's not like you two haven't had one before.

Is the hickey on your neck a problem? Absolutely. Make out sessions at your age, I get it. Heated make out sessions that involve hickeys can lead to other things that right now you have no business doing.

I sucked my teeth.

Mom, I'm not having sex.

Oh, I know you're not.

Then why are you making it seem like I did or I'm going to.

Aurora, you have to be aware of how you carry yourself. When friends turn to boyfriends and say you break up, it's not always amicable. It can get real messy and the friendship you once had will be ruined. Letting a guy give you a hickey can signal him that you're okay with whatever else he may have in mind.

Mom, Jonas isn't like that.

You don't know that. People change Aurora and some are good at acting one way just to lure you in.

Mom, that's not going to happen. I shouldn't have let it get that far. I was just caught up in the moment.

On top of that, you now have to deal with your father.

I already know he's going to freak out about the hickey. He doesn't want any of us dating anyway.

You girls don't give your father enough credit. It's not so much you dating, it's what comes along with it. The damn mark on your neck that I can clearly see is one of them.

I'll cover it with makeup or something.

She shook her head at my comment.

You have to be careful. If something like this were to get around school...

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