Big Brother

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|Zack's POV|

I was in the lunchroom when my friend came over to me saying they saw my sister in the office with my uncle Shane. Everyone knows my family, I mean it's public record who they are. While I wasn't sure why my uncle was here to begin with, it couldn't be good. Dad or ma never said anything about any appointments. Plus, if she was sick, ma would've picked her up herself or had our grandparents do it. There was something more to this story that I didn't know of. Time for me to start asking around.

As I headed to my next class, I saw this guy Nick. While we were in the same grade, we didn't hang in the same circle. He would talk to Aurora every now and then. She had a lot of honors classes with Sophomores and a few Juniors. He happened to be one of those "few."

"Hey Zack," he said.

I just nodded and kept it moving. That was until he said something that caught my attention.

"Tell Aurora I said hey."

Say what? I stopped dead in my tracks and turned my attention to him.

"What'd you say about my sister?"

He had this stupid smirk on his face.

"Just saw she was in a little bit of trouble today. You know, if she needs someone to talk to, I'm available."

I moved closer to him, but one of my friends pulled me back.

"Let it go Zack."

Yeah, right. I have a short temper. No one in this school has seen it, but if Nick wants to be the first, by all means. Lead by example dickhead.

"Keep my sister's name out of your mouth."

"Chill dude. Just wanted you to pass along my hello to my friend."

"My sister isn't your friend."

"If that's what you think."

He turned and walked off with his friends and I went in the opposite direction with mine. I was barely listening through the rest of my classes and before I knew it, the school day was over. I decided to go talk to Rory's homeroom teacher to see if I could get the work she missed from the afternoon.

"Hi Ms. Cramer. Sorry to bother you."

"Oh no, it's fine. Come on in. How can I help you?"

"My sister, Aurora, left school early today, I just wanted to get the work she missed."

"Um, let me check."

She went over to her computer, clicked a few buttons, and turned her attention back towards me.

"Well, someone in her class volunteered to drop off her homework."

Time to turn on my charm to see who that person was.

"Oh really? Is there any way that you could tell me who. I want to give my parents the heads up that her work is being delivered."

"Nick, Nicholas Tannehill. It was nice of him to volunteer. I can put a note here to make sure you get any physical copies of her assignments when she's not in school or leaves early."

"That'd be great Ms. Cramer. Thank you so much. Sorry to run, I have practice to get to."

"No problem. Have a good afternoon. Tell Aurora I said hello and I'll see her tomorrow, on time."

"Will do."

So my little sister has clearly been showing up to classes late for her teacher to make a comment like that. As for Nick volunteering to drop off Rory's homework, how stupid can her teachers be? I'm her brother. We live in the same damn house. If anyone should get it, it's me or she could make it up the next day. This kid had to go out of his way.

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