Blurred Lines

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|Jamie's POV|

Well, well. Finally things from my perspective. We've been in Cancun for a few days and it's crazy to think our trip is halfway through. I see it as we still have 3 more days to live it up before getting back to college and parental supervision. I love my aunt and uncle and all the extended family, but this break away from them is much needed. Really, find a college kid that doesn't want to go on Spring break without their parents.

While this was a last minute decision, thankfully we all had money to not ask the parents to foot the bill. We didn't need a reason for them to not let us go, set restrictions and rules, and all the other overprotective shit they do. Not here for it.

I'm not stopping my fun and not posting on social media just because I'm afraid they will see it. I blocked them all for the remainder of the trip and decided to live in the moment. Whatever happens when we get back, happens.

Our friends got in town yesterday and we've been having hella fun ever since. I invited a few as did the others. It's enough space in this villa for us all to sleep comfortably and party. We went shopping, to the beach. The girls and I have a spa day planned before we leave. The guys have their stuff, we have ours. Together we planned to go dirt bike riding, snorkeling, and paddle boarding. Tonight we're going to the club. While back home 21 is the age for alcohol and the good clubs, it's 18 here. My kind of city.

We were getting ready for the night when Izzy came into my room and quickly closed the door.


"Woah, where's the fire?"

She took a seat on my bed and started freaking out.

"Izzy, breathe. What's the problem?"

"Ty is on his way here. He's coming to surprise me. I thought he was going on Spring break with his friends, little did I know they chose Cancun as their destination."

I just stared at her. Really, that's why she's upset?

"Okay, the more the merrier."


"What?! You're freaking out because your boyfriend wants to see you."

Yup when she got back to Cali he finally asked her out. So no more of 'he's not my boyfriend.' They're official now.

"Yeah, but Cam is here."

"And Cam will mind his business. Stop looking for excuses and be happy your man wants to see you."

"You're right."

"Aren't I always?"

"No," she quickly replied.

I tossed a pillow at her.

"Ouch, you ass."

"Stop talking shit then."

She laid back on my bed.

"Uh, uh. Get your ass up. What are you wearing?"

"I didn't decide yet."

I started going through my stuff and pulled out an outfit. I handed it to her and she gave me a look.

"Hey, your man is in town. Time to show out?"

"Speaking of, how's Brandon?"

"He's fine and on Spring break with his friends, minding his business, and I'm minding mine. Still not my boyfriend."

She rolled her eyes.

"If you say so."

I flirted a lot with Brandon, yes, but I wasn't about to get into a relationship with him. For one, he's about to graduate. Two, who's to say he's staying in Texas. Three, long distance relationships aren't my thing. I know, how can I say that if I've never been in a relationship to begin with? I know what I want and that's not it. Whoever I'm with, I want to see them when I want and not have to catch a flight to do so.

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