My Life, My Decision

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|Jamie's POV|

Dinner was awkward to say the least. Still, I need to talk to my aunt and uncle sooner rather than later. After dinner, I went up to my room and of course Izzy had to plop on my bed and bother me.

"Man, my sister has lost her damn mind."

"Hell yeah. I thought you were stupid with shit you would do."


"Yes you. You went and got your belly button and nose pierced without permission."

"Never came home with a hickey though. Damn sure never called my mom a bitch."

"True. She didn't think that through."

"Of course she didn't. He temper is insane. Did you see how pissed my mom was?"

"Yeah, we need to have a talk with her."

"We really do because she's going to get herself into trouble, and I'm not just talking about with my parents."

I nodded.

"You have a point."

"Speaking of parents, I'm surprised you're gonna sit down and talk to them."

"I mean, why wait? I think the longer I wait and it gets closer to go back to school, the worse it'll be."

"Damn right it would be. Plus, to show them that we're young adults, we have to prove that in our actions. I know they're overbearing and extra, but we still have to have these kinds of conversations with them."

"I know, which is why I want to get it over with."

My phone started ringing and I knew it was Brandon. I'd been dodging him all day. Izzy saw and got up to leave.

"Well, I'll leave you to that. Come find me once you're done talking to my parents."

I nodded and answered my phone.

Hey baby.

Hey. You sound like you're in a better mood.

I am. I was going to call you after I talked to my aunt and uncle, but since you called...

I'm surprised you answered.

Brandon, I apologize. I was upset earlier about everything going on. This situation has me stressed out and I took my anger out in you. I'm sorry for that.

Jamie, all I want to do is be there for you.

I know...

Do you really? Baby, sometimes you move as if you're in this world alone. Yes, our relationship is new, but you're even distant with your family.

I just don't want to get hurt.

You keep saying that.

Well it's the truth.

I get that. Still, you're not in this alone. I'm here to support you. Your family supports you.

I hope so.

Will what you're about to tell them be a shock? More and likely. Realistically, they're not going to abandon you. Deep down you're trying to protect yourself and you always think the worst which is why you're so guarded. I get that. From what you tell me, your aunt and uncle are good people and will understand where you're coming from.

You know, I do want to come back to Texas.

I know you do. We can talk about that later. Right now, you need to go have that convo you've been pushing off. You'll feel better once you get it off your chest.

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