Spring Break

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|Izzy's POV|

What are the odds that Jamie, Chasey, Cameron, and I have Spring break the same week? Very unlikely, but since it actually happened, we decided to plan a trip. Now our parents had asked us what exactly we would be doing for Spring break. The best bet would be to honestly tell them, right? Have you met them? Yeah, not happening.

We told them we'd be going to Miami with our friends for a few days and then a cruise. They weren't too keen on that, but they also didn't press the issue. Maybe that had some convo about it and figured since we're all together, cool. Hey, it sounds like something they'd do.

As for where we're actually going? Cancun, Mexico baby! If we would've told them our real plans, it would've been a whole big to do. Going out of the country without them? We may be grown but not that's "grown." Plus, why the hell would we go to anywhere in Florida where there's not only the location of the performance center, but so many wrestlers live there. Not worth getting caught doing anything and someone calling my dad or uncles. We had our own thing planned and we'd be in Cancun for a week and back on our respective campuses without anyone knowing the wiser.

We all decided to meet in Texas since it was a more direct route to get to Mexico. Jamie and Chasey both go to college in Texas, it was just a matter of getting to the airport. Hello Uber. Cameron was in California, just different schools. He went to UCLA while I went to USC. We'd see each other at parties, but other than that he had his friends and I had mine. For the sake of this trip we flew to Texas together and then we got on the flight to Cancun with Jamie and Chasey. Cam and I would have jet lag since we were 2 hours off time, but the other two would be fine.

The trip didn't take long at all. We left early and arrived at the villa we rented. Once we got there, Cam told us he had invited some friends. Not surprised, I knew he wouldn't want to be around his cousins for a whole week. Yeah we're older and could date whoever we wanted, but we didn't date within the family. We grew up as cousins and we weren't crossing those lines. We also had a few friends coming to town in a couple days so in total it'd be about 15 of us in the house.

"Alright, who's ready to turn up? I'm not sitting in this villa doing nothing. No school for a week. No parents. We're out of the country. Let's go!" Jamie said.

Did I mention the alcohol age limit in Mexico was 18? Cameron was 20 while the rest of us barely made it. Hey, we made it though! We were able to purchase liquor with no problem. We met some people along the way and brought them back to the villa. This could all go wrong, but I mean, it's Spring break? How bad could it get?

Shot after shot, the party grew bigger. The food came and so did more liquor. Let's not mention there was weed, pills, and some other stuff. This is just night 1. We're here for 6 more days. I tried to stay as sober as I could. So did Cameron. Chasey was just mingling so I wasn't too worried about her. I then started to realize this wasn't the best idea. Jamie had a problem in the past. I don't want her to spiral. Too late.

There she was, licking jello shots off this guy. Cameron saw and from the look on his face, he went into overprotective mode.

"Alright, come on Jamie."

"Aw Cam. Come on! Here, you want to try? Not on him, but let me get a girl for you."

She was stumbling and Cam had to grab her before she fell. I saw him trying to talk to her. I was going to make my way over to help when I heard people chanting,

"Chug, chug, chug!"

I turned my attention and there was Chasey being held upside down on a keg and people were recording. Oh hell no.

"Hey guys, phones away."

They ignored me, but I managed to get them to put Chasey down.

"Izzy, this is literally the best vacation ever."

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