My Girls

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|Paul's POV|

The guys left and headed to their hotel around 11pm. They'd be back for brunch tomorrow before heading to the airport. Sometimes all I needed was to be surrounded by my brothers to get my head on straight.

"Hey dad, thanks," Zach said, as we both headed upstairs for bed.

"For what?"

"For you know, letting me hang with you guys instead of staying in my room."

I chuckled. I'm not always out to torture these kids.

"Anytime son," I said, patting him on the back and going into my bedroom.

I saw that Steph was still awake.


"Hey," she said, smiling.

I leaned down and gave her a kiss which quickly turned into a passionate one. We were lost in each other for a few minutes before she pulled back.

"How'd it go with the guys?"

"The usual. They really got Zach to open up."

"That's a good thing. I hope he knows he can talk to any one of them if he doesn't want to talk to us."

"I think that concept is starting to click in his brain. I'll be right back."

She nodded and I went and took a shower. It was a long day and the hot water felt like absolute heaven. Once I was finished, I changed and got into bed with Steph. She quickly moved closer to me and nestled her body into mine.

"The guys coming back tomorrow?"

"Yeah, we're going to do brunch or lunch before they leave. All depends on what time they get here."

"You called the chef?"

"Yesterday I did so we're good. He'll be here around 11."


We sat in comfortable silence. While this weekend was a great turn of events to how rocky the week was, it made me realize two of my girls would be leaving. I miss Izzy and Jamie around here. I miss that I don't know what they're doing. I wish they'd fill me in more. I'm stern, but hell, they're 18 now. I can only guide them on the right path. I don't want to run their lives.

"What are you thinking about?" Steph asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"The girls."

She sighed.

"I know this is a rough time for you not knowing their every move, but Izzy and Jamie are okay."

"I know they are. It's just..."

"You wish they'd be more open with you about what's going on in their lives."

"Exactly, why hide it?"

"Because they're still teenagers Paul. Were you running and telling your parents everything you were doing at 18 and who you were with?"


"Then don't expect them to do that."

"Did you talk to them?"

"I did. They were distant as usual. A part of the problem is they think they'll be punished for their actions."

"As in a spanking. Did they tell you that?"

"They didn't have to. Their reluctancy said it all."

"I'm not going to spank them. I mean if they put themselves in danger..."

"That's a completely different story. I'd kick their asses myself. You'd be the least of their worries. My point is, we have to give them time to adjust to being young adults. Plus, we can't force them to talk to us."

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