Not On My Watch

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Steph and I headed into the dining room. Everyone was in their usual seats and we took a seat in ours. To say I was pissed was an understatement. Yes, I'm overbearing. Yes, I'm overprotective. My kids know that. I have my reasons. As they get older, I understand I'll have to give up the reins a little bit in order for them to grow, learn on their own, and ultimately make their own decisions. What I won't do is allow the behavior of my 11, soon to be 12 year old.

I know a lot of parents say my roof, my rules. This is bigger than that. She's a pre-teen, yes, but she has no business being online in random chat rooms talking to people she has no clue about. I don't care if her friends do it. It stops now. Not happening on my watch. Whatever I have to do to get through to her, I will. This is for her own safety, literally.

We ate dinner as usual. The kids talked amongst themselves. Murphy was pretty quiet and was the first to finish. As she was getting up to put her plate in the sink, Steph stopped her.

"Murphy, you'll be cleaning up the kitchen tonight. First, go upstairs and get ready for bed."

She gave Steph a look.


"I know what I just said and clearly you heard me. Now, you can do what I told you to willingly or you and I can go have a private conversation."

"Mom," she whined.

"Murphy Claire."

There goes the middle name. I saw the looks on the faces of our other kids. Once Steph said the first and middle name, they knew they were in trouble. From the look on Murphy's face, she knew it too. She stood there for a moment before slumping her shoulders and nodding her head. As if she had a choice. It was the easy way or the hard way. The hard way would leave her with a sore bottom, still having to do what she was told.

"Ok, I'm going."

Steph didn't say anything. She nodded her head and Murphy left the dining room. I wanted to talk to our older four to see if they knew anything about Murphy being in chat rooms. I know they have this sibling code, but I can't imagine them letting her do that. Still, I have to ask.

"Vaughn sweetie, how about you go get ready for bed too," Steph said.

"Am I in trouble?"

"Not at all. Just want you to get ready for bed and then you can go to the movie room. Maybe your sisters and brother will join you."

"Whatever you pick, I'll watch it with you," Zach chimed in.

While he could be a hot head and test my patience, he loved his sisters. He'd do anything for any of them. He has an overprotective streak just like I do over the women in this family. Maybe it's just in our genes.

"Anything Zachy?"

I saw the grimace on his face and couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah, anything."

"Cool. I'll go get ready. Mommy, can I have popcorn and ice cream?"

"You can have one or the other, not both."

She nodded and was about to bolt off before she stopped dead in her tracks. She grabbed her plate, went to the kitchen, and then we heard footsteps running upstairs.

"Someone's excited," Zach mumbled.

We all shared a laugh. Who knew what she'd end up picking for them to watch.

"Your mother and I want to talk to you guys about something."

The four of them stared at us, awaiting what we had to say.

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