First Impressions

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|Paul's POV|

Izzy left my office as did I shortly after. If I would've sat there any longer, I would've started working. I try to make it a priority to be present at home, when I can. As I left the office, I made my way to the living room to see my two youngest watching TV.

"Hey girls, what are you watching," I asked, taking a seat between the two of them.

Vaughn instantly climbed into my lap and made herself comfortable.

"We're watching Descendants again," Murphy said, snuggling into my side.

I had seen the movie before, but I was comfortable just being with my two youngest. As always, Vaughn had to catch me up on what happened. She was sure to whisper so she wouldn't annoy her sister who was intently tuned in.


"In the den!"

Soon Steph appeared and smiled once she saw us.

"Hey girls, mind if I borrow daddy."

"Sure mommy. We know he has to get ready to meet Izzy and Jamie's boyfriends," Vaughn said, jumping off my lap.

I shook my head at her comment.

"How do you always know what's going on?" I asked her.

She dramatically put her hand on her hip.

"Daddy, I always know. I'm just not a snitch."

"Snitches get...," Murphy cut in.

"Stitches," Vaughn replied, finishing her sentence.

I can only imagine what else her older sisters and brother have told her. I quickly picked her up and started tickling her as she laughed and screamed for me to stop.

"Are you done being sassy?"

"Yes, I'll stop."

I put her down back on the couch and left the two of them to finish watching the movie. I followed Steph into the kitchen.

"I think Vaughn is going to give us a run for our money," Steph said, laughing.

"Of course she will, she's the youngest. Plus she has 5 giving her the blueprint. Did you see how sassy she just was with her hand on her hip."

"Yes honey, I saw. Anyways, the girls boyfriends are on their way over."


"You ready for this?"

"It's not as if I have a choice Steph. They're old enough to date, I'm just happy they're comfortable enough to introduce them to us instead of the alternative which would be to hide them."

"You have a point."

"Look, I won't embarrass them. I'm just meeting the guys. You all should give me a little bit of credit. I'm not that bad."

"I'm not saying you are. I know you've just always dreamed of this moment being different. You've always talked about having your brothers here with you to interrogate any boy that wanted to date your daughters."

"That time will come."

She gave me a look.

"Paul, I swear..."

"Relax. I didn't say it would happen today, but anyone that dates our daughters eventually meets the entire family."

"You make it sound as if we're a mob or something."

"Some would think we are."

I gave her a kiss, which got pretty heated fast, but the moment didn't last.

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