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|Aurora's POV|

My mom stood there staring at me before she grabbed her phone. So much for waiting to call dad. This wasn't just a regular call either. This was a FaceTime call. He answered after a few rings.

Hey honey, I just got on the plane.

You have some time to talk?

Yeah, what's going on?

Shane just got here with Aurora.

Rory? Why, what happened? The school didn't call us about anything. I don't see any emails. Did she have a half day or something?

I don't know the full scope, but Shane will explain.

She turned the camera towards uncle Shane and I.

Hey Shane.

"Hey Hunter. Let me cut right to the chase. I was grabbing lunch between a few meetings when I saw someone that looked like Aurora. Thinking nothing of it, since she was supposed to be at school, we went about my business and ordered. As I was leaving, I heard a familiar laugh. I headed in that direction and there she was," my uncle said.

My parents didn't say anything. They didn't need to. I knew both of them were pissed.

My uncle continued, "I took her back to school, signed her out, and she was handed two detention slips for skipping class. According to the secretary, she's been skipping since before Christmas break."

What the hell is going on with you Aurora? my dad said, deadly calm through the phone.

I really had nothing to say. Why bother? They weren't going to listen to me anyway.

My mom interrupted my thoughts saying, "I know you heard your father talking to you. Now is not the time for dreamland. Open your mouth and explain."

Before I could speak my father added, "Any other time you're real quick to voice your opinion. Now you have nothing to say? I lost my patience as soon as I found out you skipped school. Start talking, now!"

I stood up and said, "Fine. You want to know what happened? It's great that you do because finally one of you wants to hear my side of something. Yeah I skipped school and yeah I've been hanging with people you don't know. I don't regret skipping school. I don't care about it at all to be honest. Go ahead punish me, ban me from stupid wrestling, I don't care. I don't care anymore. 'Aurora do this, Aurora do that.' I'm never asked. I'm always told what I need to do and no one ever takes my feelings into consideration. Finally I found people that did. People that accepted me."

There was silence and I thought that I was in the clear. This could go one of two ways, they sympathize or blow the hell up. My mom started clapping her hands with a smirk on her face so clearly my speech didn't work.

My mother got in my face with that smirk and said, "That was really cute Aurora, really cute. Now what you're going to do is go up those stairs to your room and by the time I get up there, I expect the truth. Do you understand?"

I just looked at her and it took everything in me not to roll my eyes at her or else she would have popped me right in my mouth.

"Are you really going to listen to my side of the story or just come upstairs and punish me?" I asked.

I never knew when to shut up and yeah I like to push limits with people. My parents knew that and my mom always said it was something I got from my father.

I didn't wait for her to respond. I left her and my uncle standing there and strolled upstairs still not caring. Yeah, I've become a rebel and my parents were going to try to put me in check, but yeah we'll see about that. I guess I should be happy that my dad was on a plane to another state.

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