Family Bond

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|Jamie's POV|

I was laying in bed, just chillaxing when there was a knock on my door. I yelled for whoever to come in. I can't say I was surprised to see Zach. He came in, closed the door, and flopped on my bed.

"Uh, hello to you too," I said.

He rolled his eyes ignoring me and made himself comfortable.

"So..." he started to say.

"So, what?"

"Well, if you didn't cut me off I could tell you."

"Alright, alright. What do you know, snitch?"

He held his hand over his chest as if I really offended him. Zach, while we all loved him, he was always telling on someone.

"I'm not a snitch, I just give the facts."

"Sounds like a snitch to me," I mumbled.

"Whatever. So, I just heard Izzy getting into it with my dad."

"Hm, Can't say I'm surprised. She's nervous about Uncle Paul meeting our boyfriends."

"You seem relaxed about it."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

Oh, I don't know. Look I know I test my dad's patience..."

"No shit."

"I'm just saying, I see why she's a little anxious about it. Bringing a guy home is a big deal, isn't it?"

I shrugged.

"I guess. Whether uncle Paul and aunt Stephanie liked my boyfriend or not, I do, and to me that's all that matters. Izzy is more of an over thinker. Then again, she really does value what your mom and dad have to say."

My mind wandered to my parents. Would I have brought Brandon home to my parents? Yeah, my dad has his hangups and turned to drinking, but he was still my dad. I love and miss him and my mom so much. I don't talk about it often. I deal with my own shit. I'm just thankful to have my aunt and uncle take me in as their own and not feel like I'm a burden in comparison to my fathers side of the family. While uncle Paul is my Godfather, everyone else is my chosen family and I wouldn't have it any other way. I know I'm protected with all these crazies. They mean well.

"Yo, you good?" Zach asked.

"Yeah, just thinking about my mom and dad."

He nodded. It was silent for a while before he said anything.

"Well, um, if you ever want to talk, I'm all ears. Granted, you unfortunately lost both of your parents, but I know what it's like to lose a parent too."

"You and your stepdad were really close, huh?"

"Yeah, we were. I mean, I'm still mad at my mom for not telling me who my real dad was, but when I was younger I didn't think much of it. My stepdad, who I called dad, was everything. He never made me feel different as if I wasn't his. I have friends that have stepparents and they treat them like shit."

"Same here."

"My stepdad was my hero. He's the one that got me into football and whenever I got in trouble, he handled it. Recently when my dad took a belt to my ass, I thought back to when my stepdad would do the same thing. Guess I've always been a trouble maker."

"Can't say I'm surprised."

He shrugged.

"How'd you deal after he passed?"

"I'm here right."

We both shared a laugh. While it was bittersweet, I knew what he meant.

"Do you think your mom would've told you about uncle Paul if your stepdad was still alive?"

The Princess and The Game's Rebel (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now