That Went Left

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|Jamie's POV|

The semester is officially over and I'm back home in Connecticut, for now at least. After the whole Spring break fiasco, I realized just how independent I wanted to be without being under the watchful eye of my overprotective family. I love them, I truly do. I value their opinion as well, which is going to make the news I'm going to tell them so much harder.

Before you jump to conclusions, no I'm not pregnant. I want to be independent, yes, but not that damn independent.

So what's the big news? What have I been needing to talk to my aunt and uncle about?

I dropped out of college.

After coming home for Christmas break, I realized how much of a relief it was to not have school, assignments, and do what I wanted to do. After my parents passed, life didn't slow down for me. I had to finish school, fill out endless college applications, and try to hold it together. It was rough and I'm thankful I had my family to help me through.

College was never on my list, but I knew my parents would want me to go and my aunt and uncle wanted the same. So, I just went with the flow. I loved being in Texas so I chose to go to school there simply because I loved the environment. It had nothing to do with a major. In fact, I was "undecided" from say one.

I've talked to Izzy about it and she supports my decision. She did tell me to come up with some game plan as to what I'd be doing since I wouldn't be in school. I told her I could just dance and take it professionally. While that sounds like a plan, I honestly don't know what I want to do. I just want to take a year off to figure that out, try something new, and if I want to go back to school, cool. If not, something else will come my way.

I was laying in my room, hiding. My aunt and uncle have noticed I've been distant since I got back. I left a lot of my stuff at uncle Mark's house, since he offered. I just came here with a couple of suitcases. There was a knock on my door. I knew it was Izzy. Everyone else is gone so it's just me and her.

"Come in!"

She opened my door and flopped on my bed like she usually does.

"How can I help you?" I asked.

"Why are you in here hiding? Let's go out."

"Where are you trying to go?"

"Let's go get some lunch and then you can tell me what's bothering you."

I gave her a look.

"You know what's bothering me."

"Still? You know, you should just hurry up and tell them."

"Yeah, but..."

"Nope, no buts. What are you waiting on?"

"I just don't have the right words to say."

She nodded in understanding.

"Look, I get it. It's not going to make them look at you any less. You've been through a lot in the past year and a half. If you need a break for whatever reason, do it. If you don't want to be in college, then don't."

"Why are you in school?"


"Why are you in school?"

"I eventually want to teach dance and I've always wanted the college experience and to make connections. It's really more about the experience. Plus, Cali isn't Connecticut."

We shared a laugh. It sure as hell wasn't.

"I mean, Connecticut is home. It's what I know, but I love California. Just like I know you love Texas. Thankfully the flight isn't that long so I can come and bother you."

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