The Drama Continues

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|Paul's POV|

Steph could see that I was trying to check my temper and she stepped in.

"Zach, Principal Brown wants to hear your side of the story."

"Am I going to get in trouble for what I'm about to say?"

"No," I said. "You're already in trouble for your actions, still, we want to hear your side."

He shrugged and sat there for a few moments before beginning to speak.

"Nick has always rubbed me the wrong way since I got here, but I never paid him any mind. That was until he started to get a little too close to my sister. Today at lunch he was bothering her. I would've stepped in then, but her friends came in. After lunch Rory came to me sayin Nick was jealous of me and was seeking some kind of revenge. Maybe that's why he was talking to Rory to get under my skin. I can take someone talking about me, but I'll never apologize for being overprotective of my little sister."

He paused. I could see him getting upset all over again. Steph touched his shoulder to keep him calm and also as a nudge to continue with the story.

"After lunch, I usually go to one side of the building while Rory goes to the other. I saw Nick and his friends laughing and they followed her. I know they have classes together, but something didn't sit right with me, so I followed to make sure she was ok. By the time I got to them, he had grabbed her arm. She asked twice for him to let go and when he didn't, I stepped in."

"Is that when the fight started?" Principal Brown asked.

"No, he kept talking. Told me I was the poster boy of the 'Me Too' movement because I was standing up for my sister. He even shoved me. All that I ignored. He then made a comment about if I couldn't get Rory to listen, he would. I had stood there and let him talk, but he wasn't about to blatantly keep disrespecting her while I stood there. Like I said, I'm not apologizing for defending my sister. What happened, happened, and Nick got what he deserved."

Once he got down to the point of the fight, I knew he wasn't going to be remorseful. He doesn't see anything wrong with what he did. To be honest, I'm proud of him for sticking up for his sister. Still, he has to be more careful and keep his temper in check before he really gets caught in a situation he can't get out of.

"Is the other student okay?" Steph asked.

"They're fine. Minus some bruising, nothing is broken. They were instigators in the fight. We have witnesses that say he did, so he's been suspended for the next week. Zach will be suspended for the next week as well."

"Fine by me," he mumbled.

"Zachary!" Steph whispered, pinching him at the same time.

He knew better than to look at me. If only looks could kill.

"Upon returning to school, we do not expect there to be any additional issue between Zach and Nick. If there is, he will be suspended from school for two weeks and suspended from the baseball team."

"What about for this week?"

"While this was a physical altercation and you were suspended, you were also provoked. It is at the discretion of your coach whether you will be allowed to practice and play once this suspension is over. If this issue is not resolved then it is at my discretion the second time around and you'll be done with sports for the remainder of the school year."

"There won't be a second time," Steph said.

Zach rolled his eyes. It was taking everything in me to not yoke him out of that chair and slam him into the wall.

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