Sister, Sister

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|Aurora's POV|

I entered my grandparents house and was greeted with a big hug from Izzy.

"Rory, I missed you!"

"I missed you too!"

We stood there for who knows how long. Only reason she let go was so my grandmother could hug me. Izzy then grabbed my arm again and led me to the guest room.

"I tell you to stay out of trouble and what do you go and do?"

"I know, I know. Dad didn't seem too mad. Do you think he's going to spank me?"

She shook her head.

"I highly doubt it. You'll be grounded, but as long as you get your grades back to where they were, you'll be fine."

I pulled out my homework and started to get some done.

"So, what's with you and the guy Nick?"

"Absolutely nothing. You know, I thought he liked me, but clearly he doesn't. He just wants to get under Zach's skin. I mean at first, maybe he did like me, but now it's just all revenge."

"Why is he mad at Zach again?"

"Zach took Nick's Varsity spot."

"Oh, jealousy."


Her phone rang and she started smiling. I went back to my homework while eavesdropping on her convo.

Hey. I'm good. No, I'm at my grandparents house now. Um, I'll be back back on Campus sometime Sunday. Yeah, we're still on for Monday. Okay, I'll text you. Okay. Bye.

I didn't say anything once she was done. I did look up to see she was smiling. Out here looking star struck like the heart eyed emoji. I've never seen her like this before.

"Anything you want to share lover girl?"

She tossed a pillow at me.

"Just this guy that I've been dating."


"Shhhh. Don't be loud. Mom and dad don't know. He's not my boyfriend or anything..."

"Well, he damn near is. The way you were smiling on the phone and you changed your voice. I need details."

She laid back on the bed and got comfy. I threw my homework to the side.

"So, what's his name?"

"His name is Tyler. He's a Junior and pre-med. He wants to be a surgeon."

"Wow, that's like so left field of someone I thought you'd date."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Aren't people that are pre-med like super busy?"

"Yeah, but we're just dating. You're acting like I'm going to marry him tomorrow or something."

I shrugged. I guess she had a point.

"So how long have you guys been dating? How'd you meet?"

"We met through a mutual friend and we started dating officially when I got back from Winter break, so just a couple of months. We were hanging out before then with our friends."

"You never dated in high school, right?"


"Do you feel like you're ready now?"

She turned her attention to me and gave me a look.

"If you mean ready as in having a boyfriend, if it works out that way, sure why not. If you mean ready as in having sex, I don't know to be honest."

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