This Ends Now

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|Murphy's POV|

I was laying on my bed after I took a shower. No phone, no computer, no iPad, no backups, nothing. Just laying here waiting for my dad. I knew I was in trouble. I knew I was getting a spanking. I mean, I guess they had a right to be upset with me, but am I really in trouble for talking to a boy? I think they're overreacting a bit.

There was a knock on my door and I yelled come in to whoever it was. The door slightly opened and I saw Izzy's head pop in.

"You can come in Izzy and Jamie."

They came in and Jamie closed the door as they both flopped on my bed. They didn't say anything at first. They didn't have to. I knew I was about to get yelled at. My siblings, yes we have a code. What I've done doesn't apply. They wouldn't cover for me because I'm considered putting myself in danger. Maybe if I was older, like Rory's age, it would be different.

"I could kick your ass right now," Izzy said, breaking the silence.

Yup, I knew that was coming.

"Me too. Out of all the things you could do, you had to go on one of those stupid apps to talk to random people," Jamie added.

"You guys sound like mom and dad."

"Hey I agree with them.It's not safe. You're only 11 Murphy," Izzy replied.

"I know how old I am. All the kids at my school do it. It's not that big of a deal. It's not like I was actually going to do anything and go meet the boy. It was just fun talking to someone else."

Jamie rolled her eyes.

"Really, just talking? Do we look stupid? Out of all us, you're the most gullible. Yeah, you have a smart mouth but that won't save you when the randoms you talk to try to yoke your ass up, shove you in a van, and we never see you again."

With each word she said she got closer to me and her voice got louder. Maybe she was trying to scare me. Maybe it did scare me a little. They think since they're in college now they know everything.


"No Izzy, you know she needs to hear this.""

From that point on, I listened to Jamie and Izzy talk my ear off. They were then interrupted by a knock on the door. I yelled come in. Hopefully whoever it was could get these two out of here and off my back. I wouldn't be so lucky, it was my dad at the door.

"Hi daddy," I said, as he made his way into the room.

"Jamie, Izzy..."

He didn't need to say anything else. They got up, gave me one last look and left the room. My dad closed the door and sat on the foot of my bed.

"I'm going to ask you, plain and simple, are you hiding anything else in this room?"

Should I tell the truth or lie? Don't be stupid Murphy. Don't make this harder on yourself.

"I have an old iPhone, but I don't use it."

He nodded.

"Go get it please."

I went to my closet and fumbled through my secret stash for the iPhone. Little did I know my dad was right behind me.

"What else are you hiding in here?"

I turned to look at him. He didn't break his gaze. I moved to the side and he moved further into my closet.

"Go sit back on your bed."

I did as told and he lifted the box and brought it back out.

"So this is your secret stash?"

I simply nodded. He shrugged and smirked.

The Princess and The Game's Rebel (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now