Testing the Limits

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|Zach's POV|

It's the end of the school year and I have to say being here in Connecticut isn't so bad after all. I get to travel with my parents here and there. I made new friends. I'm an all-star athlete. I have all the uncles, aunts, cousins, and more that I could ask for. Someone will always have my back. It was the fresh start I needed to get back on track as far as college. My grades are looking right, so ma won't have to punish me for that.

With just one week left of school, there's not much going on. We go just to go. Jamie and Izzy are rarely home during the day, especially since dad basically gave Izzy his Jeep. I'll be getting my drivers license this fall and hopefully they'll pass keys to a car to me.

Right now I'm focused on getting to Florida. My dad keeps pushing it off. I even tried saying that I miss my mom to get me down there quicker. He just keeps saying we'll talk about it later. Look, I miss my mom, I do. I just know going back home she'll let me 'catch up' with my friends. Well, I can talk her into it. Plus, I have more freedom with her. She's not the type to clock my every move. Although, since I've moved up here, she's been more in my business than usual.

The real reason I want to go? My friends back home have a tournament set up with money involved and I'm in. Do my parents know? Of course not. My dad thinks he has some idea, but it's so easy to talk around him.

Maybe I'm wrong for using a guilt trip and being 'new' to the family against him. Still, he's the one letting my behavior slide, so why not go along with it? When I went AWOL in Florida and ignored his calls, he yelled a little bit, but that was about it. Or when I got suspended, if that was any of my sisters, they'd be in bigger trouble than I was. Probably get a spanking. He had me cleaning all around the house which after a weekend, it was pretty much over and done with. My dad has yet to belt my ass, and at this point, it's an empty threat. He's yoked me up here and there, but right now it's all empty threats so I'm not worried.

My friends are going to the beach this upcoming weekend. Jake's parents have a beach house, they're going out of town to visit his grandparents. He said he'd rather stay home and they didn't mind. We're actually going to go to the beach house. My parents will probably pry a little bit, but since I'm with Jake so much, I doubt it.

My dad just got back in town from Florida. Ma is somewhere around here. I guess if I ask one or the other I can get out of here for the weekend. Now to track him down.


"In the kitchen!"

I went in and saw him and ma sitting at the island.

"Cool, both of you are here."

They gave each other a look and then turned back to me.

"What do you want," they said, simultaneously.

"Why do I have to want something?"

"Cool, both of you are here," my dad said, mocking me.

I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Alright. You got me. I just wanted to ask if I could go to Jake's house for the weekend."

Neither of them said anything.

"Why the entire weekend? You usually only spend one night," ma said.

I knew one of them would bring that up.

"That's only because during the school year you said only Friday or Saturday nights we can spend the night out. Since school is basically over, why not? I cleaned my room. You can go check and I'll be back home Sunday afternoon."

"Mm, you have this all figured out, huh?" my dad asked.

"Pretty much. Dad, come on. I haven't done anything. It's one weekend."

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