Unfriendly Reminder

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|Paul's POV|

It was nice having a day with just the 8 of us. The kids were content, minus the slight tension between Rory and Zach. What happened with Rory is her business to tell her brother if she chooses to. I know he's a hothead, that's one thing he definitely got from me.

I understand how protective Zach is of his sisters. I get it. Still, he can't react to everything that makes him upset. He'll end up learning that sooner rather than later, even if I have to take matters into my own hands to get through to him. What he went through for missing curfew and disrespecting Steph and I is nothing compared to what he'll get if he keeps up this behavior.

The car ride home was pretty silent. We had music on low. Steph was going through her phone as my hand rested on her knee as I drove with the other. I looked through the rearview window to see my two youngest were sleeping.


I glanced over to see Steph had shifted in her seat.

"Yeah," I replied.

I slightly squeezing her knee to let her know I was paying attention.

"Today was nice, wasn't it?"

I smirked.

"It was. We need to do it more often, even if that means adding it to the schedule."

While Steph and I made as much time for the kids as we could within our schedules, it was rare that we had all 6 of them together at once. Jamie and Izzy are away at school, Zach and Rory would be off with their friends. It really was nice having all of us together as a family.

"I agree."

We sat in comfortable silence, but knowing Steph, I knew she had something else to say.

"Alright, what's on your mind?"



"Really, it's nothing."

Then she wonders where the girls get it from. I didn't say anything. I knew she'd end up telling me. I give it 5, 4, 3, 2...


Yeah, I know my wife.

"Well, what?"

"Two things. One, I'm happy that Izzy and Jamie's boyfriends will be meeting you soon."

"Hurray," I said, sarcastically.

She laughed and playfully slapped my arm.


"If they want them to meet me, great."

"Will you behave?"

I cut my eyes at her.

"I'm not a child Steph. I can handle my daughters bringing their boyfriends home."

"No backup?"

"Not this again. Steph, come on. Will they eventually meet the guys, yes. Will I ambush them on the first day I meet them? No."

"I know you and I know you have something up your sleeve."

Maybe she was right. Maybe I did. Izzy said I had to meet them first.

"Just know, I'll be meeting them first, alone."

"Paul, don't embarrass them."

"I won't. I'll take them down to the man cave, we can talk and that's that. Then they can join us for dinner, wherever the girls choose and that's that."

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