Nerves & Anger

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|Izzy's POV|

Today is the day that my dad is meeting mine and Jamie's boyfriends. True to his word, he cleared his schedule and to my knowledge he doesn't have anything extra under his sleeve. What possibly could I mean by that? Oh, you know. A random pop up from one of my uncles to interrogate my boyfriends. Dad promised he wouldn't so all I can do is take his word for it. I don't have any other choice.

I didn't sleep much the previous night and I got a text from Tyler that he and Brandon had landed a couple of hours ago. They were going to the hotel to relax and then my parents had invited them over for dinner. That'd give them plenty of time to settle in and relax.

Jamie and I were going to pick them up and bring them back here and then head back to the hotel to spend time with them for the weekend they were here. Not sure how that was going to go over with my dad, but mom was okay with it. Well, she said she was. I mean, it's not like they were staying here in our rooms. I knew my parents would never go for that and Jamie and I would be stupid to think that it'd be okay. Let me relax. I'm overthinking again. I'm going to get this meeting over with and enjoy the weekend with my boyfriend who I haven't seen in over a month.

I was getting ready for the day when my phone went off. I knew it was Tyler calling to check in.


Hi my love. How are you?

I'm alright. Glad you're in town.

I can't wait to see you. You can show me around your hometown.

I have some things in mind.

I sat my phone down and finished curling my hair.

You look beautiful babe.

Aw, thank you. What are you guys up to?

Playing the game at the moment.

Really? You guys brought that with you?

He started laughing.

Of course we did. Don't worry, there will be plenty of time for us to spend together. This is just my downtime.

Mmm hmm. You and that game.

You know it baby.

He didn't say anything else. He was playing his game and I was finishing my hair.

Alright, well I'm just about finished up. I'll text you when we're on our way.

You sure you want to pick us up? We do have a rental.

He had a point.

Let me check with my mom and then I'll text you. Either way, dinner is at 4pm. Dad is having dinner early tonight.

Hey, cool by me. Let's get this out the way and then we have the weekend ahead of us to spend together.

Alright baby. I'll text you.

Alright. Bye beautiful.

Bye handsome.

I finished my hair and got dressed for the day. I kept it simple and put on an off shoulder dress and a pair of sandals. I feel like lately I've just been throwing on workout gear. My boyfriends in town, time to get cute.

After getting dressed I started packing my bag for the weekend. Call me an over packer. I just like to have options. I soon heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!"

The door slowly opened and I saw my dad's head pop in. He didn't say anything.

"Hey dad. You can come in, you know."

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