Too Much, Too Soon

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|Aurora's POV|

School is almost over and teachers are piling on the work. I'm pretty much done with final assignments and then I'll officially be a Sophomore. Jonas and I are getting closer. We haven't established any type of relationship and I don't know if I want to be in one. Do my parents want me dating? Mom says not until I'm 16. I'll be turning 15 this Summer and I don't think I should have to wait another year. Waiting until I'm a Junior just to date?

Lately my parents have been all in my business, more than usual. I'm sick of it. I've been getting in trouble a lot more lately. I even went as far as to call my mom a bitch. That didn't turn out well for me at all. My mom has been more on me about not coming home on time and ignoring calls and texts about where I am. My dad, he says I'm in for a rude awakening. Whatever that means.

Another day, another "project" I'm working on after school. Well, that's the excuse I tell my parents just so I can stay out later. Zach's season is officially over so he's not staying after school anymore. He gets to go hang with his friends so I'm not sure why I can't do the same.


Speaking of the devil. Here he comes now.

I was sitting outside with my friends, figuring out what we were going to do this afternoon. Zach made his way over to me with his best friend Tyler and their girlfriends. Well, I'm not sure if Zach is dating Kylie or not, but she's nice. Nicer than that other bitch that would drool all over him.

"Hey Zach," Jonas said, waving.

All Zach did was nod.

"Hey Aurora," Kylie said, smiling at me.

I returned the smile.

"Hey Kylie. Hope my brother isn't giving you a headache."

She playfully rolled her eyes.

"I can handle it."

"Mind if I borrow my sister for a second," Zach cut in.

I just gave him a look and he gave me one back. Who knows what he wants to talk to me about now. We moved away from everyone else.

"What's up?" I asked.

"We cool?"

I've been avoiding Zach ever since I got in trouble with mom. I mean, granted it wasn't his fault, but he did make me upset. We almost got into a physical fight, yet again. Since then, I've just been keeping my distance.

"Yeah, we're fine."

"No really Rory. Look, I know that I can throw you under the bus..."

"You don't just throw me under the bus, you get in the driver's seat and run me over."

"That's a bit dramatic."

"It's not. I don't snitch on you, so why snitch on me."

"I get it, I do. I only want what's best for you."

"Ok. I appreciate that. I don't need another dad though. I just need a big brother to have my back. If you were doing anything, I'd cover for you even if that meant I got in trouble. You, I don't understand."

"I guess I take my picking with you too far."

"Sometimes, yeah. We can joke all we want, but it's like sibling code. You need to read the damn manual on that because you're shaky."

"I'm not that bad."

"Yeah, you are."

I tried walking away from him because I was getting irritated all over again. He pulled me back.

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