What The F***

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|Paul's POV|

I came home from the office to a semi-quiet house. I saw the Jeep was gone so Jamie and Izzy must be out somewhere. Soon after I came home, Zach came in.

"Hey dad."

"Hey son. How was school?"

"Pretty good. I talked to my mom today."

"That's good."

"She said that whenever I want to come down she'll rearrange her schedule."



"Zach, like I told you this morning, I'll talk to her about it. You have another couple of weeks of school anyway."

"I just miss her."

I gave him a look. I'm not saying he didn't miss her, but I know my son by now to know he always has ulterior motives and he thinks I'm oblivious.

"You miss her, but I have to remind you to call her?"

He just shrugged.

"We'll talk about this another time."

He was about to say something, but I held up my hand.

"Another time Zach."

I watched as he went upstairs and I made my way to my office to drop my stuff off before going to change. As soon as I stepped in, my phone rang. More business to tend to. I don't know how long I was on the call. There was a knock on my office door.

"Come in."

It was Aurora. She looked to be in a better mood than she was yesterday afternoon and this morning.

"Hey sweetie."

"Hey dad. Do you have a few minutes?"

"For you, of course."

She came in and closed the door and sat down.

"So, what's up?"

"I uh, wanted to come and talk to you about something that happened yesterday. A part of me doesn't want to tell you, but I just feel that I should."

"I'm all ears."

"I mean, I told mom what happened and she said she'd tell you, but I'm fine with telling you myself. I just don't want you to get mad."

Every time one of the kids says that, it usually means something big happened.

"Well, I can't promise I won't get mad, but I will give you my undivided attention and listen to what you have to say. Then we can go from there."

She nodded.

"Um, so you know my friend Jonas."

Once she said his name, I didn't like where this conversation was headed. Jonas is the boy that put that hickey on her neck.

"He's the one that put the hickey on your neck."

"Yeah, that's him."

"What about him?"

"I went to his house yesterday afternoon."

"You told your mother and I you'd be staying after school."

"I know, can I just finish my story, please?"

I motioned for her to continue. I'd try to refrain from asking questions.

"I went to Jonas' house after school yesterday, just me and him."

I took a deep breath and bit my tongue to not say anything. Check your temper Paul. Check your damn temper.

The Princess and The Game's Rebel (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now