Stuck In the Middle

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|Stephanie's POV|

After the whole Spring break fiasco it took myself, Marissa, Shawn's wife, and a lot of talking from Michelle to get the guys to calm down. Paul, Shawn and Mark were all equally angry and wanted to discipline the girls their way. Izzy sure did push the limits by posting additional videos. Now they were nothing compared to the ones on the blog sites, but I know my daughter. When she's backed in a corner, she can be impulsive and careless.

The girls have refused to talk to the guys, hence why I said it took a lot of talking to calm them down. Mark and Paul were livid. Shawn was more upset Cameron wasn't watching their every move. Plus throw in the fact that these boys we had never met were around the girls, all that did was add fuel to the fire.

I told Paul I'd handle it. He wasn't happy with that at all. Michelle and I agreed she'd talk to Jamie and Chasey since she was closer to them and I'd get a hold of Izzy. Would the girls have to deal with the guys at a later date? Absolutely. I mean, Summer break was around the corner. For now, I'm ready to move on from this. The girls are 18. They can't keep them under lock and key forever. I know how overprotective all the men in this family are, but our girls aren't babies anymore. Which is why I told Paul I'd handle it.

Izzy has to be mindful of what she posts simply because of instances like this, footage and photos being sold to tabloids. Other than that, I want her to live and feel open enough to talk to me, no the both of us, about what's going on in her life. I don't want her continuing to make irrational choices out of anger because she thinks she'll get in trouble.

I have a few meetings in California this week near Izzy's campus. She agreed to meet me for dinner at my hotel. She just wanted to make sure he wasn't tagging along. It's been really rocky these past couple of weeks talking to her and her being stubborn. She can't avoid her dad forever, but for now, they both need to get their heads on straight.

I was just about finished packing when Paul came in the room.

"Hey, you all packed up?"

"Just about."

He came around to my side of the bed and wrapped his arms around me. I turned in his embrace and saw from the look in his eye that something was bothering him.

"I have a couple of hours before I have to go."

"What do you have in mind?" he asked, giving me a look.

"My husband, taking his wife to breakfast before I get on the jet."

"Anything for you."

He kissed me and reached around me to grab my suitcase. As he rolled it out the room, I double checked to make sure I had everything before heading downstairs. I then heard a ding on my phone.

"I'll meet you in the car," Paul said.

I nodded and went to my office to grab a few things. My phone dinged again and again and again. Whoever was trying to reach me was being pretty persistent. I'd just check it in the car. Once I made sure the house was locked up, Paul was waiting in the driver's seat as I got in. As usual when he drove, he grabbed my hand. My phone dinged once again. I saw Paul look over to me.

"Everything okay?"

"Whoever is texting me sure is being persistent. Maybe it's one of the kids."

Sure enough when I looked at my phone it was text messages from 3 of our kids and one from Michelle. I decided to see what the kids sent first.

One from Zach.

Have a safe flight mom. Don't worry, I'll hold down the fort with you and dad gone. Love you.

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