Hot Head

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|Zach's POV|

Rory and I headed back into the building as the bell rang. She went to the left and I usually headed to the right. I watched as Nick watched her every move. After what she just told me, I knew he was up to some shit and I wasn't having it. My dad kept telling me to think with my head. I don't care about all that. I act first and deal with the consequences after. I've always been like that.

My friend Jake came over to me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Wassup, you good?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Rory doesn't usually pull you away like that. I know she's in trouble with you parents. Just wanted to check."

In the short time that I have known Jake, he's become one of my best friends. Just how I'm overprotective of my sister, he's overprotective of his. He gets my anger. What older brother wouldn't.

"Nah, we're good. I'm gonna make sure she gets to class ok."

"You need backup?"

I gave him a look and he smirked knowing I didn't.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

We did our handshake and he headed to his class while I went to make sure Rory got to her class with no  problem. Sure enough, Nick just had to be messing with her, once again. I let that shit slide in the cafeteria, simply because her friends interfered. Now, not so much.

"Nick, let go of my arm," I heard Rory say.

"What will you do if I don't."

"Nick, let go of my arm!"

I had seen and heard enough.

"He better let go of your arm before I break his fucking face," I said, walking up behind Nick.

The late bell rang, but I could care less about getting to class at the moment.

"Zach, here you are, once again cock blocking. Your sister and I are having..."

"You and my sister are having nothing. I'm trying to refrain from punching you in your face because you just touched her."

He sucked his teeth.

"Touched her? I grabbed her arm to get her attention. Who are you, the poster boy for the 'Me Too' movement? Relax, I wasn't going to do anything."

I looked past him at Rory who was pleading with her eyes for me to let this go. I tried to count to 10 to check my temper. I just couldn't get his smirk out of my head. He put his hands on my sister. I don't care if it was a friendly grab. There's no reason for him to touch her.

There were people in the hallway still looking to see what was going to happen. I'm surprised no teachers came out yet. Security wasn't around either. What better chance than now to knock this dude into reality. Him being jealous of me is laughable. I don't give a fuck about that. Him putting his hands on my sister and being a creep about it, nah I can't stand for it.

"Yo, you lost in space? You got something to say?" he quizzed, pushing me back.

He looked around at his friends who were posted up against the lockers and started laughing. He's making this even easier for me. My actions will be in self defense. Well, that's the story I'm going with.

"Zach, please don't," Rory said, now verbally pleading for me to calm down.

"Yeah Zach, listen to your cute little sister. If you can't make her listen, I will."

As the words left his mouth, I punched him right in his face and he instantly fell to the ground. I kept punching until I saw blood. I heard screaming and yelling and noises around me. I didn't care. Next thing I know security was pulling me off. I tried to control my temper, but dude just had to keep pushing it. I didn't kill him or anything. He'll be bruised for at least a week, but he'll be aight. Better be lucky I didn't break his nose. That was a warning. If he wants to be stupid enough to try me again, I really will break his face.

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