Numb the Pain

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|Aurora's POV|

I've been flying under the radar, staying out of trouble. I've been keeping to myself. I can't believe Jonas did what he did. To think I was making friends. To think I had a group of friends I trusted. Now, I didn't know who to trust. Sky and Meg brought the videos to my attention, but were they in on it too? Did they know what Jonas was doing all along? They'd always leave us alone with no hesitation.

Lately all I've been feeling is just numb. I've been having trouble sleeping and even resorted to getting some pills from kids at school. It's nothing too crazy. Sleeping pill here, antidepressant there. I'm just tired of feeling this way.

I was in my bathroom, looking for my stash when there was a soft knock on my door. I quickly stopped what I was doing and an and jumped on my bed.

"Come in."

I can't say I was surprised to see it was Zach.


I sat up on my bed and he took a seat in my chair. I hugged my pillow closer hoping that would make me feel better. It didn't. If he'd hurry up and leave I could just take my pill and sleep this off.

"You ok?" he asked, giving me a strange look.

I shrugged.

"Look, I didn't intentionally mean to throw you under the bus down there..."

"Zach it's ok. Mom and dad were going to find out eventually. Saved me from having to tell them."

"You know, you can go to them about anything, no judgement."

"Right. No judgement for a situation I put myself in."

"It's not your fault Rory."

"Really? The hickey on my neck wasn't my fault? Going to Jonas' house alone wasn't my fault either? I'm just stupid."

I put my face in my pillow to try to keep myself from crying. I felt a squeeze on my shoulder.

"Hey, you're not stupid."

I just shook my head.

"You're just saying that because you're my brother, but even though you talk a good game, I know you think I'm stupid."

He sighed.

"Rory, You should talk to ma and dad. They can help."

"Help? Dad is probably embarrassed and mom will just say all the right things to temporarily make me feel better."

I laid down on my side and he came and sat on my bed and rubbed my back.

"They don't think of any of us that way. Your judgement is clouded right now, I get that, but deep down you know they don't think like that."

"Deep down I know that I'm an idiot. Can you just leave me alone, please?"

He sighed and got up. I heard my door close and just like that, I broke down. I got up and went into my bathroom, locked the door, and turned the water on. I took two of the pills, stripped down to my underclothes and got in. The tears wouldn't stop flowing. I was numb at this point and had no idea what to do. Maybe Zach was right, maybe I should talk to my parents. My mom, sure. My dad? He probably doesn't even want to look at me. I saw the look on his face when Zach talked about the video. He didn't seem happy.

I was brought out of my thoughts to someone banging out my bathroom door and saying my name.



"Are you ok sweetie?"

That was my mom.

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