Not Now

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|Aurora's POV|

It's been a long time since I've shared things from my perspective. It also feels like forever since I've gotten into trouble. Let me catch you up to speed.

After the whole situation with Jonas, he apologized, but I pretty much kept to myself. I didn't really want to hang out after school. It was awkward being around him. Our friends noticed the change when we were around each other. Jonas wasn't all over me like he usually was and I kept my distance from him. They asked about it and we said everything was fine. Finally, after them badgering us, I explained what happened. Jonas apologized again in front of everyone. I mean, we're cool, but a relationship is the furthest thing from my mind right now. Especially with him.

I'm happy to have my sisters home. It's been nice to vent to someone other than Zach. While Zach is a great listening ear, he's just not my big sisters. Plus, if he knew what happened between Jonas and I, he'd really fight him. No jokes. Zach would punch him square in the face and take whatever consequences came with it. Jonas is far from a punk, but he's no match for my overprotective brother.

Speaking of my darling brother, I know he got in trouble last night. By the way he's slowly moving around, he probably got a spanking. It's about time. I was getting worried my dad had gone soft. Once again, Paul Levesque shows who's boss. From what I heard from Jamie and Izzy, mom got to him first. That's even worse.

Today we're heading to the lake house, just the 8 of us. It's rare that it's all of us together at once so today should be fun. It's gonna take about it an hour or so to get there. We're waiting on Zach and Dad to come down.

"Alright, everyone ready?" dad asked, coming into the kitchen with Zach.

We all nodded and said yeah.

"Jamie, you can drive the Jeep. Zach, you can ride with them. Everyone else in the G Wagon."

Wait, Zach gets punished and he gets to ride with Jamie and Izzy?

"Dad, can I reside with Jamie and Izzy too?"

He looked to my mom for confirmation. Seriously? It's just a car ride.

"Yeah, you can."

"What about..."

My parents instantly turned their attention to Murphy.

"No. You'll be in the car with me, your mother and your sister," dad said.


He held up his hand and mom spoke.

"Alright, make sure you guys have what you need. Let's go."

Everyone moved towards the garage. My dad stopped me.

"You okay?"

"Yeah dad."

He stared at me for a few moments before finally saying something.

"You sure?"

"Dad, I'm fine."

"You know, whenever you want to talk...."

I grabbed his hand.

I knew telling him would make him even more weary about the company I keep. I still felt that he needed to hear it from me and not someone else. What if it got out at school? What if Zach found out? What if my mom told him? I didn't need anyone speaking for me so I told him myself. I'm sure he'll give Jonas a few looks when he sees him.

"Dad, really I'm fine. I spoke to Jonas, everything is cool between us. While I still like him, I just realized that maybe a relationship isn't what I need right now.

The Princess and The Game's Rebel (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now