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|Zach's POV|

I went down to the basement to try and do my workout. I was slowly coming back to reality of what just happened. I really need to work on my temper  and watch my mouth. I've pissed my dad off and I know when he's irritated, but this time I really fucked up.

I tried running to take my mind off things. I had my music on full blast. Hopefully tuning everything out will help. A mile later, it didn't. A mile later, my dad still hasn't come downstairs. Just as I sat down at the weights, I saw the gym door open. There he was.

He didn't look as mad as he initially was. Maybe that's a good thing. Then again, Izzy and Jamie have warned me that it's better for him to be yelling and mad than quiet and mad. I sat on the bench and he stood at the door staring at me. Was I supposed to make the first move? Maybe it'd be best for me to be apologetic because deep down, I was.


He held up his hand and moved further into the gym.

"You know, I try to give you freedom. I try to give you space. Yet you continue to do whatever the hell you want to and disrespect this home."

"I didn't..."

He held up his hand once again. Alright Zach, shut the hell up.

"You're grounded, indefinitely. The game, mine. Your phone, mine. Don't worry about me needing to get in contact with you because if you're not with me or Steph, you'll be with your grandparents. No hanging out with your friends. Schools over, you don't have any training so that's not an excuse either. Your Summer begins with a shitty start because you want to run your mouth, let your temper get the best of you and you forget who the hell you're talking to. Well, here I am as your father to remind you just who the hell I am. Like I told you, I don't need to take my belt to your ass to get my point across. You having no life will get through to you quicker."

Wait, was he serious?


"What Zachary?"

Ok, full name. Yup, he's still pissed.

"I really do apologize. I know I need to work on my temper sooner rather than later. I'll apologize to ma in the morning."

"She's still up, I'm sure. You can go apologize to her right now. Your workout is over. Get your game and whatever else looks fun in your room and bring it down to my office. Then take a shower and get in bed."

Great, treat me like one of my little sisters.

"You don't have to treat me like a little kid," I mumbled, walking past him.

Next thing I know I'm being pulled back and I'm nose to nose with my father who's giving me a deadly glare.

"Son, I'm telling you now, check your attitude before I do."

He moved around me and left the gym. I grabbed my headphones and went to do as I was told. I went to my bedroom, disconnected everything. Grabbed my computer, iPad, chargers and put it in a box. I went back down to the office. I knocked and my dad told me to come in.

"Here's my stuff."

"Sit it on the desk. Goodnight, Love you."

I was going to walk out, but I was hoping in talking to him that he'd lessen my punishment. I won't know unless I try.

"Uh, dad."

He stopped what he was doing and locked eyes with me. I took that as my chance to sit down.

"If you came here to apologize, again, for your actions and get me to lessen your punishment, it's not going to happen. My decision is final and you pressing the issue is not only going to piss me off more, but prolong the inevitable. I told you to do something before you go to bed. You did part of it by bringing your stuff down. Go apologize to Steph and go to bed son. There's nothing else to discuss."

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