Secret Life

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|Zach's POV|

These past few weeks that I've been back at school have been pretty chill. After my suspension, I didn't get into any trouble with my coach really. He benched me for a game and I had to make up for it in practice. Shit, coach was just as bad as my dad with the Franco workouts, if not worse. With all that, you'd think I'd learn my lesson not to cross my parents. If I can slide by with getting suspended from school, I'm sure there's more I can get away with them not knowing. I mean I already have.

Not many know, especially not my parents, the full story of what went down in Florida. Long story short, I gambled, a lot. I doubt my mom knew how I was earning my own money because I didn't have a job. That's one of the reasons she finally contacted my dad because I was "going down the wrong path." I wasn't selling drugs. I was barely doing anything. I'd bet on games and win big.

Now here we are in Connecticut and the rules are a little different because kids here don't do that stuff. I told my friend Jake about it and he said most college kids are into that. I didn't press the issue any further and just contacted my friend down in Florida to see if he knew anyone personally in this area. He gave me a few names and I was sucked back in, big time. March Madness, I won a few thousand. I usually space out my betting, but Most importantly, I have a completely separate account my parents don't know about so I should be good.

It's another day at school and I'm with my crew at lunch. Melissa is all over me as usual. She can't take a hint, but I just leave her be since she's best friends with Jake's girlfriend. I actually have my eye on someone else. Her name is Kylie. We have classes together and I'd like to get to know her more.

"Hey Zach," Kylie said, walking past our table with her friends.

"Hey Kylie."

She kept it moving, but before she was completely away from the table, Melissa just had to say something.

"Watch yourself Kylie."

I watched as Kylie stopped and turned around. She looked at Melissa then at me and started laughing. She came back to our table and stood in front of Melissa who didn't seem so tough now.

"What did you say?"

Melissa gained some balls and stood up.

"I said watch yourself. Zach is with me."

I started coughing. No the hell I wasn't.

"Are you sure about that?" Kylie asked with a smirk.

Melissa turned to me. I looked at Jake and he just gave me a shrug. Of course I get stuck in the middle of two girls and I'm not with either one of them.

"Zach, can you say something?" Melissa asked, poking my shoulder.

"Chill out."

"Are you really not going to stand up for me?"

"Melissa, there's nothing to stand up for. We're not together. I'm single."

"But I thought..."

Before I could speak, Kylie cut in.

"You thought that because you guys ate lunch together you were a couple. Looks like he's fair game to me."

She leaned down and kissed my cheek before walking off and leaving the cafeteria with her friends. I watched as the tears formed in Melissa's eyes. She stormed off and Jake's girlfriend, Aubrey, went after her.

"Look at what you just did. Now I'm going to have to hear Aubrey talk about how you hurt her friend."

"Hurt her? I didn't do shit."

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