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Camila Cabello's POV

We are all halfway through the interview when Ryan asked me about my past lover, Y/n Y/ln. But of course, they didn't know it was her because I didn't gave names or even hinted about it in the public, only the girls knew and my family.

"We're both so happy, together... It was my first real relationship and I'm really grateful that it was with her. She made me so happy that time and even told me that I was the same to her. We've been together for like three years, I was just a kid that time when she asked me. Oh God, I remember how I reacted that time when she did, it's really embarrassing" I laughed and the girls all followed suit alongside with the interviewer, Ryan.

"Oh, you weren't expecting it at all?" He asked in a teasing tone and I just laughed at it before answering,

"Yes, because we're both girls... So it's really surprising since she'd been my crush and all at that time" I told him whilst I hid my face in my hands and heard them starts laughing at me.

"But Camila..." I heard him trailed off after our laughter died down and I furrowed my eyebrows, curious as to why he changed his tone like that before I rose my hands down, away from my face as I looked at him and hummed, gesturing him to go on. He looked nervous for some reason when he briefly averted his eyes from me to the girls, whose now looking at him, worriedly. "Why'd you... broke up though?" The small smile on my face immediately fades upon hearing what he asked.

My eyes fell down to my interlocking fingers and a small sigh escaped my lips before I heard myself respond.

"We fell out of love, I guess... things got complicated and we decided to call it off"

It was a lie.. It's because I couldn't tell her the reason.

I forced out a smile to the camera and subconsciously nod my head. "but I'm grateful because if that didn't happened, Shawn and I wouldn't be together right now" I said as I give out another fake smile at him.

Ryan and some of the crew give out their Aww's but the girls didn't even reacted about it, they just looked at me, worriedly, and I just had to smile at them.

The interviewer must've read the tension between us so after a few moments he finally decided to finish this all up. "Well that's it for now. Thank you girls for stopping by!" He said as he stood up for us to hug him as a goodbye.

"Thank you for having us!" Ally exclaimed, happily, when she hugged Ryan and smiled at him before turning to us as we all make our way outside.

From station to the hotel nearby that we're currently staying in, the girls must've felt that it wasn't the good time to engage to a certain topic so we all headed to the building with a thick tension between all of us. I decided not to open that topic even though I can feel them wanting to talk to me about it and we eventually arrive inside the hotel, without anyone speaking as we walked.

I don't feel the need to talk about it so I quickly headed towards the hallway where my room is at.

Our band have five members and I insisted on having a room to myself since I'm not used to sharing a room with anyone and I'm glad that they all respected that decision of mine.

I was about to go inside the room that I'm assigned to when a hand suddenly stopped me from walking inside, causing me to turn around with a confused face, facing the person and saw Dinah, smiling worriedly at me.

"you okay, Mila?" She asked, using my nickname and I forced a smile before sighing out loud and accepting the hug that she's now offering to me. "It'll be alright... we're all here for you, babe" I heard her say as she slowly pulled away from me and stare at my face.

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