I am not kid hyung( jinkook)

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 Jungkook pov : 

" Jin hyung......hyung .....hyungieeeee please!!!!"

" No kookie....you can't and  that's it"

What should I do?? I used all my cuteness ,but here he is saying no again......I really want to go clubbing with them .....but my age is my enemy right now....

" Yoongi hyung please ......I really want to see how it will be  in the  club"

Yoongi hyung is the only one who have soft corner for me....but why he is not supporting me?

" Sorry kook ah....I can't, you are under age so...,I can't help you in this..."

" Hyung seriously ,I am asking from so many years now.... at least Jimin and Tae hyung were used to be there to give company to me but now, they are also not staying with me"

It's been 2 yrs they become so called ADULTS.....and they don't care about me being alone on every Saturday nights ......is they all are my friends??my hyungs??

" Ya...!! We are adults now....so we're going to club. you have to wait for your turn, don't act like kid.....oh wait you are still kid though"

Jimin hyung's calf muscles doesn't match my biceps, he is calling me a kid. can I just hit him right on his head!!??

" Jimin hyung, I am not kid and I am going to be adult soon" 

ye I have to remember them it often .....more oftenly

" Ya.....we celebrated your 17th year birthday recently.....so still you have year baby"

" Ohh...Tae hyung I know you sucks in maths....it's not one year it's going to be 11 months 21 days 14 hrs to go"

" Wa.....is it really needed to be this precise"!?

That's when a horn sound make us look outside.... it's hobi and Namjoon hyung...... of course theses are all will leave now.....I should just watch them.....it's okay jungkook it's going to be soon....you will also join them....I can join my Jin hyung.....

" By kid......drink your milkshake and go back to sleep....."ahh this Tae hyung

" Ye.......I will" 

" Jungkook don't worry ,I won't let jin hyung to drink too much like last time and I will  drag his ass directly to dorm okay."

" Thanks yoongi hyung.....I believe only you  "

" Ya....yoongi let's go we are getting late.....Tae and Jimin  are already outside....."jin hyung voice came from the door 

I followed them up to the door ....they all started settling in the car .....Jin hyung struggling with putting his shoes....yes of course he cut his finger yesterday while making breakfast.....I sat on my knees .....I took laces from him and tied it perfectly.....he taped my head .....I love his touches.... in fact I crave for it.....

" Kookie don't wait for us.....go back to sleep early ,don't play for long  okay"

" Ye hyung....but please don't drink too much ,,,I want you to be home with them ....okay"

" Yes baby.....I will ,bye now" he placed kiss on my cheeks..


" Is anything wrong kookie??"

" I will grow up soon hyung......so you don't have to worry that you have to leave me behind"

" I know kookie.....sleep well..."

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